Moving to OmniOS 02: Zones
15 October 2019

Following on from last time, I need to migrate twenty-plus zones from a mix of Solaris 11 and SmartOS to my new OmniOS machine. The Solaris zones are defined in Puppet, the SmartOS ones as vmadm JSON files. The configuration of the operating system inside the zone is done by Puppet in both cases.

One of my big beefs with Solaris 11 was that, because of IPS, it took Solaris 10’s lightweight zone management, and made it heavy and slow. 10 used what we called “sparse” zones, where filesystems like /usr were linked from the global zone. This meant there was little to install, and patching the global patched the locals. (You could also install “whole root” zones if you needed more control, but they took quite a bit longer and had to be patched independently. Avoiding using them, usually by way of loopback mounts, became something of an art.)

In 11, Sun made zones much more flexible, but at a cost. Zones were installed by adding packages to a fresh ZFS dataset: “sparse” mode was no longer a thing, and spinning up a zone – particularly if it was the first one on a system and you didn’t have a local package repo – took ages.

The solution to this was to start off not with an empty ZFS dataset, but with a clone of a pre-built zone. This, made zone creation much, much faster, and, in days when such things still mattered, saved a lot of disk space. On my Solaris 11 box I had a shell script which spun up a “golden zone”, and dropped into it a fully configured Puppet. Then, in the global zone’s Puppet config, I defined the local zones. Each time Puppet ran, it ensured that the right zones existed.

OmniOS tries to combine the best of the Solaris 10 and Solaris 11 worlds. It still uses IPS and ZFS, but it brings back sparse-root zones with the sparse brand, and offers as its default lipkg (linked ipkg) which shares less global-zone directories with the local zone than sparse does. You can also install a full-fat ipkg zone, which works in the same way as Solaris 11 and, of course, you can still clone an ipkg zone from a golden image.

You can also run Linux if you like, by way of KVM or Bhyve emulation, or using lx brand zones, which use system-call translation. But I don’t use those, so they won’t get discussed here.


I was pretty certain that the Puppet zone building code wouldn’t work in OmniOS without some modification, but I didn’t bother checking. Though it was a simple thing to do, and felt “correct”, I was never overly keen on building the zones via Puppet, preferring the SmartOS way of defining the zone in a file and running a one-shot script which built it.


Lots of people have already come up with a way of doing exactly that. (I knew about vmadm, I’ve since found zcage, zap, and zadm). But I happened to have a Ruby programming interview coming up, so to sharpen myself a little, I decided to reinvent the wheel and write a Ruby imitation of SmartOS’s vmadm. Or, at least, the bits of it I needed.

Originally I called it ozone, but there was already a gem called that, and there are two ‘o’s in ‘OmniOS’, so I renamed it oozone. I like to use a rising inflection on the long ‘oo’, sort of like you’re pleasantly surprised, but feel free to make that inital syllable annoyed, owl-ish, or comically erotic. That’s the beauty of open source. It’s up to you.

I appreciate that Ruby is not a native OmniOS thing. Python is there (for pkg(5), and Perl is there (for intrd – I was sure we’d been weaned off the Perl dependency, though maybe that was just SmartOS). But I’m using Puppet, so I have to have Ruby on there.

oozone is on Github, along with some documentation. In short, you define a zone as a YAML file (people can’t get enough YAML), including all the things zonecfg(1m) requires, and a bunch of “special” things that oozone understands. Then you run the script with one or more of those files as arguments, and it builds you the zones. It will create any dependent ZFS datasets; configures the zone’s DNS settings; and runs commands once the zone is up. It will also upload files or install packages prior to running those commands, so it’s easy for me to bootstrap Puppet. Here’s a sample zone configuration.

brand: lipkg
zonepath: /zones/mariadb
autoboot: true
  - physical: mariadb_net0
    'global-nic': auto
  - name: fast/zone/mariadb
  domain: localnet
  role: mariadb
  environment: lab
  - 'ooce/runtime/ruby-26'
  - '/opt/ooce/bin/gem install puppet -v 5.5.17 --no-document
  - '/opt/ooce/bin/puppet agent -t'

Note the facts hash. That gets converted into Puppet facts inside the zone. If you add facts oozone drops in a free zbrand fact, which is helpful if you only need to perform certain operations for certain zone types.

Everything Was Better in the Old Days

For a “dead” operating system, Solaris 11 has been acquiring features at a fair old rate, and there are some zone-related ones that I miss.

Datasets aren’t Pools

First, OmniOS’s ZFS dataset handling isn’t quite as nice. In Solaris 11 you get to give the dataset a name, and it appears in the local zone as a pool with that name. I always call mine local, and it gives me a lovely clear way of handling zone data.

$ zpool list
local  224G   124G  99.8G  55%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
rpool  199G  47.5G   152G  23%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

In OmniOS, the dataset appears as itself:

$ zfs list rpool/zonedata/mariadb
rpool/zonedata/mariadb   168K   440G    24K  none

Though the two are functionally identical, I prefer the Solaris way of doing it. Having dedicated pools makes the zone feel more like a “real” computer. The lack of the distinct pool broke a lot of my Puppet config too, but it was easy enough to fix.

Zones aren’t Services

Another nice Solaris feature is that as of 11.4, individual zones map to SMF services, which means you can define dependencies between them. Though this is clearly open to abuse (there’s never any excuse for a system which needs VMs to start in the right order), I did like being able to have my telemetry system up and running before the application zones came up.

Solaris also lets you specify how many zones it should start up (or shut down) at once. This is great on heavily zoned systems where startup gets intense as a hundred new-borns all pile onto the same resources.

Put together these two features let you get the important stuff up quickly and painlessly, with the lessers biding their time, and I miss them. Never mind: you can’t have everything.

Zones can’t NFS…

Solaris 11 lets you run NFS servers in zones, and I use this. On OmniOS:

$ svcs -H nfs/server
disabled       Oct_16   svc:/network/nfs/server:default
$ pfexec svcadm enable nfs/server
$ svcs -H nfs/server
disabled       15:45:12 svc:/network/nfs/server:default
$ cat /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
[ Oct 16 15:21:54 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/nfs-server start"). ]
The NFS server is not supported in a local zone


I was interested by something I’d seen on the brands(5) man page.

|illumos | An independent illumos environment running under the  |
|        | shared OmniOS kernel.                                 |

illumos brand zones, which I presume are analagous to Solaris’s solaris-kz “kernel” zones, are made to let you run something like SmartOS or Tribblix in a zone. I wondered whether that level of virtualization might accommodate an NFS server. So, I made one.

Instead zoneadm install using locally cached packages or loopback mounts, an illumos brand install blasts a ZFS image into the zone’s root pool in a similar way to the Kayak installer.

So I made a quick “golden” image with oozone:

brand: ipkg
zonepath: /zones/tornado-gold

Then made that zone, unconfigured it and took a snapshot.

$ pfexec oozone create tornado-gold.yaml
$ pfexec zlogin tornado-gold
root@tornado-gold:~# /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/system-unconfigure
root@tornado-gold:~# halt
root@tornado-gold:~# ^D
$ pfexec zfs snapshot rpool/zone/tornado-gold/ROOT/zbe@cloner
$ pfexec zfs send -Lce rpool/zone/tornado-gold/ROOT/zbe@cloner \
  | gzip -c9 > illumos_golden_image.zfs.gz

Here I ran into my first proper snag. Whatever I did, I couldn’t get a working network connection in my Illumos zone; at least not on first boot. After a bit of study I found that if I manually created an interface on top of the zone’s VNIC:

# ipadm create-if $(dladm show-link -polink)

then rebooted, it all worked.

It seemed like the illumos brand install mechanism was probably, under the hood, identical to a standard zone clone operation. So I tried cloning zones and got the same behaviour.

This felt like a bug, so I reported it in the OmniOS gitter channel and in an hour or so I had a patch that fixed it.

But better than that: one of the maintainers had spun off a hotfix patch of a branch which properly supported NFS in zones. Wow. How’s that for service?

I abandoned the illumos experimentation (I don’t think it would have worked anyway) and ended up running my NFS server from a zone, having oozone install the hotfix as a post-build command. Seamless!

UPDATE: as of the r151034 release, OmniOS supports NFS in zones.

Back to the “problems”.

Zones are Not Immutable

You get a lot of talk about “immutable infrastructure” these days. It isn’t really of course: you can change it, you just don’t. It’s like doing functional programming in Python by just choosing to create new data structures instead of modifying existing ones. It might make you feel cool, but you’re kidding yourself.

But Solaris 11 lets you make zones that are genuinely immutable. Inside one, you cannot change anything. This is managed by the global zone’s kernel, and it’s non-negotiable unless the global zone adminstrator turns it off, or sneaks into the zone via the trusted path. (You can also configure zones which allow modification of files under, say, /var, should you need to perform such 20th century actions as logging to disk.)

OmniOS may not have immutable zones as such, but sparse zones are reasonably close.

root@sparse:~# df -h -Flofs
Filesystem             Size   Used  Available Capacity  Mounted on
/lib                   443G  1.00G       442G     1%    /lib
/sbin                  443G  1.00G       442G     1%    /sbin
/usr                   443G  1.00G       442G     1%    /usr
                       443G  1.00G       442G     1%    /lib/
root@sparse:~# touch /lib/a /sbin/a /usr/a
touch: cannot create /lib/a: Read-only file system
touch: cannot create /usr/a: Read-only file system
touch: cannot create /sbin/a: Read-only file system

Smaller, faster, more secure. I like sparse zones.

OmniOS doesn’t Have Many Packages…

As of right now, the OmniOS pkg repo has 759 packages in it. The Solaris 11.4 equivalent has 6444. Sounds pretty rubbish doesn’t it? Except it’s not, because having that small number of core packages makes IPS work. Using pkg(5) on OmniOS is a different experience from using it on Solaris, even if you also have the extra repo, which serves up things like Ruby.


But what good is a fast base system if it can’t run any applications? What if you need stuff like Clojure, or Elixir? I had those in some of my SmartOS zones, pulled straight from Joyent’s pkgsrc repo.

If you need all kinds of crazy software, OmniOS lets you create a pkgsrc branded zone. This builds a base image in the same way as other zones, but installs and configures everything you need to access the aforementioned Joyent repo. It even installs things in /opt/local just like SmartOS does. All my SmartOS tooling worked with no changes at all.

The only downside of the pkgsrc brand is that /usr is mounted read-only, so you cannot install (most) normal OmniOS ipkg packages. (I say “most” because things from the extras repo install into /opt/ooce, so are fine.) This caught me out, as things seemed to have installed but hadn’t. It’s not a big deal once you’re aware of it, and so far as I can tell everything the OmniOS repos offer is also in pkgsrc.

I think the pkgsrc brand is great, and it’s typical of the kind of creative, elegant thinking that typifies Illumos. The Illumos way is not to throw code at a problem, or to invent a slightly different wheel, but to take a step back, look at what’s there, have a think, and adapt. The different zone types are all driven by a few shell scripts hooking into the branded zones framework. It’s a slight bending of a proven solution, and that’s my kind of engineering.

In building my first half-dozen zones I’d found uses for lipkg (faster and smaller than ipkg but still lets you add packages); sparse (faster and smaller than lipkg, for when you don’t need much configuration); and pkgsrc (for when you need funny applications).

Doing It

I built my test machine off the old Solaris Puppet zone. When time came to nuke that and build OmniOS on the old hardware, I hit the ourobourus of building the Puppet server.

Puppet’s perfectly happy to Puppet itself and add all the fine-detail like users and whatnot, so all I had to do was build a zone which could do that. Fortunately there’s a decent Puppet package in the Joyent pkgsrc repo. Here’s the oozone config that builds a zone, installs the needful, and Puppets itself.

brand: pkgsrc
zonepath: /zones/cube-puppet
autoboot: true
  - physical: puppet_net0
    'global-nic': auto
  - dir: /home
    special: /export/home
    type: lofs
  - name: fast/zone/puppet
  domain: localnet
  search: localnet
  role: puppet
  environment: lab
  'files/cube-puppet/puppet-master.xml': /lib/svc/manifest/site/puppet-master.xml
  'files/cube-puppet/puppet.conf': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
  - 'yes | /opt/local/bin/pkgin in ruby26-puppet-5.5.2'
  - '/opt/local/bin/gem install fast_gettext -v 1.1.2 --no-document'
  - '/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 40 puppet'
  - '/usr/sbin/useradd -u 40 -g 40 -s /bin/false -d /var/tmp puppet'
  - '/usr/sbin/svccfg import /lib/svc/manifest/site/puppet-master.xml'
  - '/bin/mkdir -p /opt/ooce/bin'
  - '/bin/ln -s /opt/local/bin/puppet /opt/ooce/bin/puppet'
  - '/bin/sleep 10'
  - '/opt/ooce/bin/puppet agent -t'

The Puppet code is brought into the zone through the delegated dataset, and the code in said dataset is kept under version control. That dataset also contains additional configuration files for things like automatic certificate signing.

I’d never put a sleep in anything that mattered, but this is a task run so rarely, and always under supervision, that I’ll take a deep breath and let it go. We just need the Puppet server to be up, and it probably takes less than a second. Yes, sleep is awful, but OmniOS doesn’t offer watch(1) [UPDATE: it does now] and I don’t have a great deal of love for the idea of embedding shell loops in a YAML file to later be exectued by Ruby.

Next I built the DNS zone, with an additional command to temporarily pop puppet.localnet into /etc/hosts so it will always find the Puppet server. After that building zones was entirely straightforward.

Any zone can be rebuilt from a single command. I have full telemetry going into Wavefront, with alarms for all things traditional as well as failed SMF services, failed Puppet runs, failed cron jobs.

The Solaris to OmniOS migration was not only painless, but enjoyable. OmniOS feels very professional, polished, and focused. Its user community is small, but extremely helpful and inclusive. Long may it prosper.
