Porting Crystal to Solaris and SmartOS
16 January 2019

I like Ruby. I love its expressive nature and general Lisp-iness, but I don’t like its dependency chains and, sometimes, its speed. I dislike Go. I love its single binaries and its speed, but I don’t like its boilerplate, type system, or its dictatorial ethos.

What I’m starting to really like, is Crystal. Looks like Ruby (a lot like Ruby. I’ve had – admittedly small – Ruby programs compile into Crystal with no modifications at all!), runs very fast, and compiles to a single binary.

Problem is, I have a Solarish addiction that I can’t kick, and Crystal does not support anything that reports as SunOS.

There are no native binaries for Solaris or Illumos, and it doesn’t even run in a SmartOS LX zone. (For the curious, I’ve opened an issue against illumos-joyent which describes this.)

So, as a dumb-ass sys-admin who last wrote C in anger in the 1990s, I decided to try porting Crystal myself. (You can see where this is going, can’t you?)

Set Up Linux

Crystal is written in Crystal, and backed by LLVM. Porting to a new platform involves describing a set of C interfaces to Crystal using its rather elegant syntax, and cross-compiling. I chose Ubuntu Linux 16.04 as my starting point, and Crystal 0.27, forked from Github.

LLVM 6.x is supported by this version of Crystal, but there is a show-stopping bug in 6.0.0. (Which, frustratingly, is the version shipped by default with every OS I looked at.) So I decided to play it safe and use 5.0, even though this ended up making me more work.

I set up an Ubuntu 16.04 (6b47e1d9-36b8-4b6f-8764-5ff5fe6d120b) KVM on a SmartOS box, and gave it 4Gb of RAM. I found that with 2Gb (my default build), cross-compilation could fail.

Next I installed the needful packages. Because it’s written in Crystal, you obviously need Crystal to build Crystal. We also need stuff to build the LLVM parts.

$ curl -sL "https://keybase.io/crystal/pgp_keys.asc" | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb https://dist.crystal-lang.org/apt crystal main" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/crystal.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install build-essential libgc-dev llvm-5.0 crystal
$ gcc -dumpversion
$ gcc -dumpversion
$ crystal version
Crystal 0.27.0 [c9d1eef8f] (2018-11-01)

LLVM: 4.0.0
Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
$ llvm-config-5.0 --version

I did all the following as the default ubuntu user. You don’t need to do any further configuration of the host.

Set Up Solaris

Though I much prefer SmartOS these days, I chose to target Solaris 11.4. I felt this offered the path of least resistance, as its C library seems to be more on a par with modern Linux than SmartOS’s. I figured that Linux to Solaris was step one, then Solaris to SmartOS step two. I very much need to make this as easy for myself as I can.

We’ll be building object files on Linux, then linking them on Solaris, so we’ll need GCC.

# pkg install developer/gcc-7 developer/build/gnu-make
$ gcc -dumpversion

Crystal requires the Boehm GC. Solaris doesn’t have a native package for that, but it’s written properly, so compiles without fuss. You need the libatomic_ops source too. I’ll stick it in /usr/local/gc.

$ wget http://www.hboehm.info/gc/gc_source/gc-7.6.8.tar.gz
$ tar zxf gc-7.6.8.tar.gz
$ cd gc-7.6.8
$ wget http://www.hboehm.info/gc/gc_source/libatomic_ops-7.6.6.tar.gz
$ tar zxf libatomic_ops-7.6.6.tar.gz
$ mv libatomic_ops-7.6.6 libatomic_ops
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gc
$ gmake -j4
# gmake install

We also need LLVM. Oracle give us 6.0.0, (as do Ubuntu) but there’s the aforementioned bug which pushes us back to 5.0. (Also, when I began this work with Crystal 0.24, 6.x was not supported.) Back to the compiler. This was a bit more effort.

$ wget https://releases.llvm.org/5.0.2/llvm-5.0.2.src.tar.xz
$ gtar xf llvm-5.0.2.src.tar.xz
$ mkdir OBJDIR
$ CC=gcc cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DLLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB=true \
  -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-z gnu-version-script-compat" \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/llvm ../llvm-5.0.2.src
$ gmake -j4

The build fails with

[ 31%] Linking CXX shared module ../../LLVMHello.so
ld: fatal: option --version-script requires option -z gnu-version-script-compat to be specified
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I’m not much of a cmake guru, but I eventually worked out that the way to pass that option to ld was to modifly LLVM’s top-level CMakeLists.txt. (Line-break for formatting purposes.) This is probably a gross hack, but it works.

  -Wl,-allow-shlib-undefined -z gnu-version-script-compat")

Then I was able to configure and build cleanly. I had to specify GCC because my build box has Studio CC on it, and cmake defaulted to that.

$ CC=gcc cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/llvm ../llvm-5.0.2.src
$ gmake
# gmake install
$ /usr/local/llvm/bin/llvm-config --version

The build takes ages, and doing it parallel exhausted all the memory in the zone at the linking phase!

Set Up SmartOS

Though I’m primarily targeting Solaris, my final aim is to have Crystal running on SmartOS. So, I built a SmartOS environment too.

I spun up a native zone using the base-64 image. (c6a275e4-c730-11e8-8c5f-9b24fe560a8f). Inside it I added the necessary packages, including the Boehm-GC, and libevent (which we did not have to specify on Solaris.)

# pkgin in cmake binutils gmake gcc7 boehm-gc libevent
$ gcc -dumpversion

Unfortunately, the LLVM in the pkgsrc repo at the moment is 6.0.0. So, I built LLVM-5.0.2, largely as before, but omitting the ld flags from the configuration. SmartOS’s ld hasn’t grown GNU-compatible extensions in the way Solaris’ has, and I couldn’t work out how to force the build to use gld. Should anyone ever wish to repeat my experiments, you can download a tarball of my LLVM build. Unpack it into /usr/local, and add /usr/local/llvm/bin to your PATH.

Porting Crystal – Bindings and if-ladders

The main job is to define what Solaris “looks like”. Every supported operating system is described through a bunch of Crystal files under src/lib/lib_c. The name of the directory containing them must be whatever LLVM calls your platform.

$ /usr/local/llvm/bin/llvm-config --host-target

I figured that Linux is probably the most similar platform, so I copied its directory and started hacking.

Crystal has its own types which align with the basic C types. They’re denoted by a capital letter, so an Int maps to the underlying int. For the _t types we expect to see in our libC headers, the convention is to CamelCase. So sock_addr_t is SockAddrT. Structs and unions look a little like Ruby blocks. For example:

struct timezone {
  int tz_minuteswest;
  int tz_dsttime;


struct Timezone
  tz_minuteswest : Int
  tz_dsttime     : Int

Functions are defined in a similar way. man connect gives us the function signature

int connect(int socket, const struct sockaddr *address, socklen_t address_len);

and we can create a Crystal binding to that with

fun connect(fd : Int, addr : Sockaddr*, len : SocklenT) : Int

All of this happens in the LibC namespace: that is to say that all the definitions are inside a

lib LibC

block. In this way we build a bridge between Crystal and the underlying operating system.

After much ggrep -r-ing of /usr/include, and much consultation of Solaris Systems Programming, I had something that looked fairly okay. It’s in a Git branch.

I also had to make a few changes to the Crystal source. It’s sprinkled with if ladders to handle various OS specifics, and I had to add another clause here and there.

There are a number of things I’m unsure of.

There’s a posix binding generator to generate the lib_c stuff for you, presumably, with less guesswork than I used. But, it needs a working Crystal port to build it. As soon as I get a Solaris Crystal binary I’ll revisit the bindings with this tool. It’s an iterative process.

Build a Solaris-aware Crystal

Now the bindings are – to some degree – in place, we have to build a version of Crystal which can use them. So, in the checked-out crystal directory on the Linux box:

$ make

This makes a new .build/crystal executable. You run this through the bin/crystal wrapper.

$ bin/crystal --version
Using compiled compiler at `.build/crystal'
Crystal 0.27.1-dev [b2b3b36] (2019-01-16)

LLVM: 5.0.0
Default target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

Cross-compile Something

I wrote a one-liner: test.cr.

echo '1.upto(5) { |i| puts i }' >test.cr
$ crystal run test.cr

And cross-compiled it to test.o with

$ bin/crystal build --cross-compile --target x86_64-pc-solaris2.11 test.cr
Using compiled compiler at `.build/crystal'
cc 'test.o' -o 'test'  -rdynamic  -lpcre -lgc -lpthread \
/home/ubuntu/crystal/src/ext/libcrystal.a -levent -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib
$ ls -l test.o
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 406904 Jan 17 11:44 test.o

Any Crystal program needs setup_sigfault_handler, which is in ./src/ext/libcrystal.a. Copy that to the Solaris box along with test.o.

Then, on the Solaris box, link.

$ gcc -L/opt/local/lib -m64 -o test test.o -lpcre -levent libcrystal.a \
  -lpthread -lssp -L /usr/local/gc/lib -lgc -R/usr/local/gc/lib
$ ./test

First success! A Crystal program running on Solaris.

The linking did not work for me when I tried it on SmartOS.

$ gcc -m64 -L/opt/local/lib -o test test.o -lpcre -levent libcrystal.a \
  -lpthread -lssp -lgc
ld: fatal: relocation error: file libcrystal.a(sigfault.o): section [2].rela.text: invalid relocation type: 0x2a

I’m not sure how to progress from this, so from now on I only worried about Solaris.

Cross Compiling Crystal Itself

Now things start to get difficult.

On the Linux box, compile the compiler. This will create a crystal.o object file.

$ bin/crystal build --cross-compile --target x86_64-pc-solaris2.11 \
  src/compiler/crystal.cr -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Using compiled compiler at `.build/crystal'
cc 'crystal.o' -o 'crystal'  -rdynamic /home/ubuntu/crystal/src/llvm/ext/llvm_ext.o
`/usr/bin/llvm-config-5.0 --libs --system-libs --ldflags 2> /dev/null`
-lstdc++ -lpcre -lgc -lpthread /home/ubuntu/crystal/src/ext/libcrystal.a
-levent -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib
$ ls -l crystal.o
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 26602456 Jan 16 12:12 crystal.o

Copy crystal.o to Solaris, and link it.

$ gcc -o crystal crystal.o -L/usr/local/gc/lib -lgc libcrystal.a \
  -lssp -lm -lstdc++ -lncurses -lpcre -levent -lz \
  $(llvm-config --ldflags) $(llvm-config --libs) llvm_ext.o -R \
$ ls -l crystal
-rwxr-xr-x 1 rob sysadmin 69698136 Jan 17 12:07 crystal
$ file crystal
crystal: ELF 64-bit LSB executable AMD64 Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped
$ ./crystal version
Crystal 0.27.1-dev (2019-01-17)

LLVM: 5.0.0
Default target: x86_64-pc-solaris2.11

Looks promising, right?

$ ./crystal eval "puts 123"
flags is Set{"x86_64", "pc", "solaris2.11"}
environment is solaris2.11
environment is solaris2.11
while requiring "prelude" (Exception)
  from Crystal::TopLevelVisitor@Crystal::SemanticVisitor#visit<Crystal::Require>:Bool
  from Crystal::ASTNode+@Crystal::ASTNode#accept<Crystal::TopLevelVisitor>:Nil
  from Crystal::TopLevelVisitor#visit<Crystal::Expressions>:Bool
  from Crystal::ASTNode+@Crystal::ASTNode#accept<Crystal::TopLevelVisitor>:Nil
  from Crystal::Program#top_level_semantic<Crystal::ASTNode+>:Tuple(Crystal::ASTNode+, Crystal::TypeDeclarationProcessor)
  from Crystal::Program#semantic<Crystal::ASTNode+, Bool>:Crystal::ASTNode+
  from Crystal::Compiler#compile<Array(Crystal::Compiler::Source), String>:Crystal::Compiler::Result
  from Crystal::Command#eval:NoReturn
  from Crystal::Command#run:(Bool | Crystal::Compiler::Result | Nil)
  from Crystal::Command::run<Array(String)>:(Bool | Crystal::Compiler::Result | Nil)
  from Crystal::Command::run:(Bool | Crystal::Compiler::Result | Nil)
  from __crystal_main
  from Crystal::main_user_code<Int32, Pointer(Pointer(UInt8))>:Nil
  from Crystal::main<Int32, Pointer(Pointer(UInt8))>:Int32
  from main
  from _start
Caused by: can't find file 'prelude'

This isn’t actually a problem. It just means Crystal can’t find its standard library (I don’t know why this is: I didn’t have this problem with 0.24.) It’s easily worked around, for now. I’ll work out the proper, permanent fix if I ever get Crystal running properly.

$ ./crystal env
$ export CRYSTAL_PATH=lib

Now things get properly bad.

$ ./crystal eval "puts 123"
Memory fault(coredump)

Here’s a gist of truss following that command.

And here’s what pstack knows.

core 'core' of 277:     ./crystal eval puts 123
------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  ---------------
 00007fffbdbb16f8 errno ()
------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  ---------------
 00007fffbda4eb07 __lwp_park () + 17
 00007fffbda47713 cond_wait_queue () + 63
 00007fffbda47cef __cond_wait () + 7f
 00007fffbda47d3d cond_wait () + 1d
 00007fffbda47d79 pthread_cond_wait () + 9
 00007ffef932f6b7 GC_wait_marker () + 17
 00007ffef9326352 GC_help_marker () + 32
 00007ffef932f68c GC_mark_thread () + 5c
 00007fffbda4e7e4 _thrp_setup () + a4
 00007fffbda4eac0 _lwp_start ()
------------  lwp# 3 / thread# 3  ---------------
 00007fffbda4eb07 __lwp_park () + 17
 00007fffbda47713 cond_wait_queue () + 63
 00007fffbda47cef __cond_wait () + 7f
 00007fffbda47d3d cond_wait () + 1d
 00007fffbda47d79 pthread_cond_wait () + 9
 00007ffef932f6b7 GC_wait_marker () + 17
 00007ffef9326352 GC_help_marker () + 32
 00007ffef932f68c GC_mark_thread () + 5c
 00007fffbda4e7e4 _thrp_setup () + a4
 00007fffbda4eac0 _lwp_start ()
------------  lwp# 4 / thread# 4  ---------------
 00007fffbda4eb07 __lwp_park () + 17
 00007fffbda47713 cond_wait_queue () + 63
 00007fffbda47cef __cond_wait () + 7f
 00007fffbda47d3d cond_wait () + 1d
 00007fffbda47d79 pthread_cond_wait () + 9
 00007ffef932f6b7 GC_wait_marker () + 17
 00007ffef9326352 GC_help_marker () + 32
 00007ffef932f68c GC_mark_thread () + 5c
 00007fffbda4e7e4 _thrp_setup () + a4
 00007fffbda4eac0 _lwp_start ()

I updated the original Github issue with this, and the Crystal devs pointed me to the assembler code which does fiber context switching. I’ve been on and beyond the limits of my knowledge right through this exercise, and this is way off my radar. The last assembly code I looked at was for the Z80, on a Spectrum, more than thirty years ago. Though I know what the words mean, I couldn’t make any connection between what I know of Solaris, or could find buried in man pages or /usr/include, and fiber assembler.

So here, sadly, ends my adventure trying to port Crystal to Solaris. Possibly some of what I’ve done could help someone smarter than me, but I’ve had to stretch myself on every aspect of this, and I am not altogether confident in the quality of the work. That said, the fact that a basic one-liner links and runs suggests I’ve got something right.

I have a feeling that the intersect of “people who want to write Crystal” and “people who want to use SmartOS” might be just me, so this port will likely never work. But at least I tried, eh? And learnt a couple of things on the way.
