Making a pkgsrc server with Manta
01 June 2018

There’s More to Life than AWS

About five years ago Joyent announced Manta. From a distance it looked like just another S3-style object store, but the twist was that by spinning up a zone around any of your objects, it allowed you to operate on the data in place. In fact, it went further than that, offering a map-reduce pattern: run any operation on any number of files, in parallel, and use any other operation to combine the output of those tasks.

By “any operation”, I mean any program. You don’t write a function, you run, on Unix, anything which runs on Unix. That might be as obvious as grepping a hundred logs in your map phase and awking the results together. But if you’re tired of waiting for Amazon to support Malbolge Lambdas, Manta might be able to help you out.

I run my cloud stuff in Triton, and like everyone else I want to keep my data close to my compute. So for some years I’ve used Manta as a straight object store; a function it performs admirably. Though I loved the idea of doing something with that data, I never really needed to.

For a long time now I’ve been deploying from a Github hook, even though I don’t particularly like the approach, and would prefer to deliver code code to my hosts as native OS packages. I’ve done this lots of times in the past on various platforms, and it works well.

As I said, I’m running on Triton, and I use native SmartOS zones. You can preach to me all you like about Docker and K8s and call me any names you want, but this is my stuff, and I like running Unix hosts, so I’m not listening.

SmartOS uses pkgsrc, a very simple tarfile-plus-metadata packaging system that comes from NetBSD. It’s very easy to build the packages (no need for fpm), and the update/install phase on the host is sufficiently lightweight that I’ve no qualms running it frequently. There’s just one problem.

No One Offers pkgsrc Hosting

If you run an apt- or rpm-based bedroom-hobbyist type OS, there are various third parties who will host your packages for very reasonable prices. You stick a token in your CI config, and at the end of the build phase, an API call pushes your freshly built package to the repo, where it’s stored, indexed, and subsequently served. It couldn’t be simpler.

In common with much SmartOS tech, pkgsrc is lean, well-engineered, straightforward, and somewhat obscure. Obscure to the point that, so far as I can tell, none of the package-repo hosting platforms support it. So no “chuck it at an endpoint” quick-fix for me.

A pkgsrc repo though, is a simple thing. Any old HTTP server will do, so long as the directory holding the packages also contains an index file called pkg_summary.gz. To generate this you run pkg_info -X on each package, concatenating and compressing the results.

Successfully hosting packages isn’t a problem of generating indices. It’s a problem of availability, which Manta has solved. I only need to make that index, and the Manta model couldn’t be a more obvious fit. Clearly, pkg_info -X is my map phase, and catting them altogether and compressing is my reduce. Simple, right?

Looking back, yes it was simple, but the path was, I think, just about tricky enough that it’s worth writing up.

Manta is Object Storage

As I said, I already had a few packages in a publicly accessible directory. They were mostly builds of open source software, so there was no reason to put them somewhere private and have to pass tokens around to make them accessible. Let’s have a look, using the Manta CLI tools. These are written in Node, and you get them with npm install -g manta.

$ mls ~~/public/pkgsrc

Manta commands start with an “m”, and generally echo the names of similar Unix commands, or the HTTP methods they wrap. So you put objects into the store with mput, and download them with mget, you get checksums with mmd5, and you make directories with mmkdir (Unlike S3, Manta has a proper hierarchical filesystem.)

~~ is shorthand for the root of your storage. Under there everyone has public/, which the world can see, and stor/, which requires credentials. (There are other things too, but they aren’t relevant to this story.)

The first thing I needed to know is, can I run pkg_info as a Manta job? Joyent tell you that the environment which comes up around your file is very much like a real SmartOS instance, but really? Even packaging tools? I thought it seemed a bit much to hope for.

Manta is a Proper Computer

It’s easy to explore that environment though. The mlogin command drops you into an interactive Manta job. Here I specify the object you wish to work on, but running mlogin on its own simply gives you a shell on a box somewhere, which is kind of cool.

$ mlogin ~~/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz
 * created interactive job -- c70b38e0-f572-4c6f-cecb-b858060294e1
 * waiting for session... | established

I now have a shell in my object storage! Your move, S3! But where am I? What can I do? Where’s the thing I asked to look at?

snltd@manta # prtconf
System Configuration:  Joyent  i86pc
Memory size: 1024 Megabytes
snltd@manta # ls
assets  checkpoints  etc   lib    media  proc  sbin    tmp  var
bin     dev          home  manta  opt    root  system  usr
snltd@manta # find manta

Remember I said you could run anything against your object? That assets/ directory is ready to receive any program you wish to send it, as part of the job. So any binary from your SmartOS system will drop in there and run. (Assuming it doesn’t need any off-piste shared libraries… Go, er, Go.) But what if that program were written in a higher-level language? Could we even do that? Let’s push Manta to the absolute limit with some full-stack-10x-rockstar-ninja polyglot programming.

snltd@manta # ruby -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION'
snltd@manta # python -c 'import sys; \
               print '.'.join([str(x) for x in sys.version_info[0:3]])'
snltd@manta # node -e 'console.log(process.version.substring(1));'
snltd@manta # php -r 'print phpversion() . "\n";'
snltd@manta # echo '(println (clojure.string/join "." \
               (take 3(vals *clojure-version*))))' | clj -
snltd@manta # echo 'puts $tcl_version' | tclsh
snltd@manta # erl -eval 'erlang:display(erlang:system_info(otp_release)), \
               halt().' -noshell

I’ll be honest, I had to look that last one up, and though gchi runs, I couldn’t tackle Haskell at all. Clearly I’m not the ninja I thought I was. Some of those versions could do with a bump (though there are newer alternatives hiding under names like ruby200 and python3.3), but it’s clear that pretty much anything you write is going to work in Manta without a lot of effort. (And if you are writing batch-processing software in PHP, an odd part of me salutes you.)

We’re getting off track though. I only need to run pkg_info, and I think I said I didn’t expect it to be there.

snltd@manta # pkg_info -X manta/snltd/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz
COMMENT=Agent for collecting and reporting metrics and data
DESCRIPTION=Modified version of Telegraf built to understand Solaris/SmartOS systems

Shows you what I know. It is, and it works. So, as promised, I have a full Unix installation, and access to just that one object that I asked for. There are even special environment variables that let us refer to said object. (Shortened here, to fit the page.)

snltd@manta # env | grep MANTA
snltd@manta # exit

 * remote process exited
 * cleaning up resources...
 * session complete

Manta is “Serverless”

Knowing Manta would give me everything I needed with no extra effort, I set about creating a “job”. The canonical first step when learning Manta is to count the words in a file. These are binaries, so that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I could at least run wc -c against them, just to make sure everything was set up correctly.

$ echo ~~/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz | mjob create -o -m 'wc -c'
added 1 input to c9326b26-afa2-6269-8c01-ca55c3a73a6b

Clearly we’re on the right lines. To explain, -o tells mjob I want to see the output, and -m 'wc -c' tells it that wc -c is the map operation. The next step, I thought, was obvious.

$ echo ~~/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz | mjob create -o -m 'pkg_info -X'
added 1 input to 189b3ce6-51ec-43c6-8fee-bbb41ecbe03e
mjob create: error: job 189b3ce6-51ec-43c6-8fee-bbb41ecbe03e had 1 error

What? Why?

Manta is (briefly) Puzzling

Where Amazon’s docs are way, way too long, Joyent’s can be too short. The Manta documentation is thorough, but terse. And, as ever when working in the Joyent/SmartOS world, there aren’t many other sources of information. Yes, Joyent support is good, and the mailing lists are extremely helpful, but I’m English, and I don’t like to go round bothering people.

This can be an advantage though, because the only way to truly understand anything is to beat it single-handedly. I am pig-headed, and I am happy to sit up all night trying things in a semi-random fashion, or wading through source code. There’s a part of me that even likes it when things don’t work and I know I have to unravel it myself. I wanted to quietly work out what was going on, Miss Marple style.

There was an error, but what was it? The output above doesn’t give much of a clue. But, Manta remembers its errors, and keeps them in Manta! Very meta. (In the following output I’ve shortened the object path for formatting reasons.)

$ mjob errors 189b3ce6-51ec-43c6-8fee-bbb41ecbe03e | json
  "phase": "0",
  "what": "phase 0: input \"/snltd/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz\"",
  "code": "UserTaskError",
  "message": "user command exited with code 1",
  "stderr": "/snltd/jobs/189b.../stor/snltd/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz.0.err.948c90...",
  "input": "/snltd/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz",
  "p0input": "/snltd/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz"

Progress. Though I still didn’t know what the error was, I knew where it was: in the Manta object defined in the stderr field.

$ mget $(mjob errors 189b3ce6-51ec-43c6-8fee-bbb41ecbe03e | json stderr)
pkg_info: missing package name(s)
usage: pkg_info [-BbcDdFfhIikLmNnpqRrSsVvX] [-E pkg-name] [-e pkg-name]
                [-K pkg_dbdir] [-l prefix] pkg-name ...
       pkg_info [-a | -u] [flags]
       pkg_info [-Q variable] pkg-name ...

What? That’s the pkg_info usage information, which is what you get when you run the command incorrectly!

It took me a while to twig this. I tried other commands, hoping to spot a pattern. wc and strings worked, but stat and ls didn’t. Eventually the penny dropped: the map job reads stdin. Indeed, the documentation says

Each map task has read-only access to a local file representing the contents of that input object, and stdin is redirected from that object.

I think the wording of this is a little unclear, and I didn’t quite “get” it when I first read it, but a little experimentation made it clear.

This explains why I got the usage message. The failed command wasn’t pkg_info -X telegraf-1.7.0.tgz it was more like cat telegraf-1.7.0.tgz | pkg_info -X.

I tried messing about with xargs, and with a little wrapper script, but it all felt wrong. I kept coming back to what I said earlier: this task is a perfect fit for Manta. If I’m trying to trick it, I’m Doing it Wrong™.

Eventually I thought of those env vars, and tried this.

$ echo ~~/public/pkgsrc/telegraf-1.7.0.tgz | \
  mjob create -o -m 'pkg_info -X $MANTA_INPUT_FILE'
added 1 input to 63f7edd2-379e-60f7-cdc1-8e85186dd49a
COMMENT=Agent for collecting and reporting metrics and data
DESCRIPTION=Modified version of Telegraf built to understand Solaris/SmartOS systems

Yes! And making it work on all the files in the directory is not unlike using find on a Unix box. (Though mfind rejects proper find’s rogue syntax, opting for something more Unix-ey.)

$ mfind -t o -n '\.tgz$' /snltd/public/pkgsrc | \
  mjob create -o -m 'pkg_info -X $MANTA_INPUT_FILE'
added 5 inputs to 2a952d63-5e3b-65ba-8609-d1f07227727b
COMMENT=vanilla Ruby 2.5.1

Manta is Map-Reduce

I’ll spare you the rest of the output, but I promise all five packages were described. Now I just needed to do the reduce phase: concatenate and compress. This time I didn’t use -o because I didn’t want a load of binary data streamed to my console. (Though consoles handle that far better than they used to.)

$ mfind -t o -n '\.tgz$' /snltd/public/pkgsrc | \
  mjob create -w -m 'pkg_info -X $MANTA_INPUT_FILE' -r 'cat | gzip'
added 5 inputs to 32dee2d2-a658-cdec-b7cf-c260983071a0

If I didn’t ask for the output on the console, where the heck did it go? We saw above that stderr is stored in Manta, and so, when you don’t request it, is stdout. Instead of asking for errors, we ask for outputs.

$ mjob outputs 32dee2d2-a658-cdec-b7cf-c260983071a0

And get them.

$ mget -o pkg_summary.gz $(mjob outputs 32dee2d2-a658-cdec-b7cf-c260983071a0)
...9f09-0c7c8f9ee50d [=======================>] 100%     622B
$ gzip -dc pkg_summary.gz | head -3
COMMENT=Agent for collecting and reporting metrics and data

This is great. Nearly there. Clearly that file is being stored in/by Manta already, so I only needed to tell it to store it in the right place, with the right name. For this, there’s a Manta internal command, mpipe. Back to that mlogin session:

snltd@manta # mpipe --help
usage: mpipe [-f file] [-p] [-r reducer] [-H header:value ... ]

mpipe is a distributed pipe for compute jobs.  This command reads data
from stdin and saves it as a new object called "objectkey".

Though I’d say it’s more of a > than a |, mpipe is exactly what I needed.

$ mfind -t o -n '\.tgz$' /snltd/public/pkgsrc | \
  mjob create -w -m 'pkg_info -X $MANTA_INPUT_FILE' \
                               -r 'cat | gzip | mpipe ~~/public/pkgsrc/pkg_summary.gz'
added 5 inputs to b12106ff-4f9f-6d56-ca6a-f0584cae172f
$ mls -l ~~/public/pkgsrc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd       7096212 May 03 00:34 caddy-0.10.14.tgz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd       8959049 May 03 00:47 filebeat-7.0.0-alpha1.tgz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd           621 Jun 02 00:02 pkg_summary.gz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd      19184926 May 01 12:48 snltd-ruby-2.5.1.tgz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd       7549471 May 03 18:15 telegraf-1.7.0.tgz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd      27680628 May 01 12:47 wavefront-proxy-4.26-1.tgz

Manta is a Package Repository

Now that is neat. Time to see if it actually worked. (I’ve cheated here, and temporarily disabled checking GPG singatures – my packages weren’t being signed at this point.)

# echo "" \
# pkgin -fy up
processing remote summary (
cleaning database from entries...
pkg_summary.xz                      100% 2126KB 708.6KB/s 653.7KB/s   00:03
processing remote summary (
cleaning database from entries...
pkg_summary.gz                      100%  618     0.6KB/s   0.6KB/s   00:00
# yes | pkgin in snltd-ruby
calculating dependencies... done.
installing packages...
installing snltd-ruby-2.5.1...
$ pkgin pkg-descr snltd-ruby
pkg_info: can't find package
`', skipped
Information for
Ruby 2.5.1 with no dependencies. Includes gems:
puppet ruby-shadow wavefront-cli sinatra kramdown rouge puma slim
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-solaris2.11]

So there we are: a fully functioning, highly available pkgsrc server in one line of code. Pats on the back all round.

The astute reader will notice, though, that this is only a start.

The most obvious puzzle is how the job should be invoked. Ideally we would want it to happen automatically, whenever a package is uploaded, but Manta lacks an equivalent of Lambda’s triggers.

We may also wish to start distributing private packages in this way, so we’d need to stop using the ~~/public path, which means distributing credentials. We’d probably also like to GPG sign those packages.

But for now, what I have is great. An elegant solution.
