Wavefront Deltas - Let Me Count the Ways
24 March 2018

When you have Wavefront, you want to put everything in Wavefront. But you find some things don’t fit well. For instance, we had a seemingly simple requirement to produce a metric of SSH logins. (We’ll set aside the argument that SSH shouldn’t even be running on anything outside dev for a moment.)

The first solution that came up for review was a collectd plugin which counted the number of active sessions. No good. If you’re not logged in right at the moment the plugin runs, you’re safe. Someone could be scping small files on or off, or poking a local command from a remote session, and it’s very unlikely they’d be caught by that method. This method also created an absolutely huge number of metrics. (One per potential user, per host, and a point every ten seconds. It adds up fast.) Next!

We already collect logs with Fluentd, and shovel them over to a centralised service. That seemed the natural place to look, and the logging service has good, rich data. Not only can you see that someone logged in, but you can see who it was, when, and where they came from. But, that was no good either, because the requirement was for a metric. The logging info was a bonus, but whoever opened the original ticket wanted a chart in Wavefront, probably linked to an alert. Next!

My colleague and I got involved at this point, and we came up with the idea of hooking into PAM, and triggering an event from there. This was easy to do, and we bumped a counter in the statsd instance that each of our hosts already runs. But statsd works on a ten-second roll-up. Someone logging in has up to ten seconds to escalate their privilege, kill statsd, and get away with it. Furthermore, statsd doesnt start until the end of the bootstrap Puppet run, so if you can get on the box before Puppet starts the daemon, your presence will not be noticed. (The PAM hook script would be baked into the AMI that instances are launched on, so you can’t be there before that is active.) Next!

We needed to get rid of that ten-second interval. What about if the PAM hook fired a metric straight off to Wavefront? That way you’d always be noticed unless you had the foresight (and ability) to kill the proxies first, and we have alerts for that. Problem is, we have been asked for the number of logins, and Wavefront’s one-second resolution means that multiple logins in the same second would be squashed to one. So that’s close, but not quite enough.

What we needed, was a counter in Wavefront. Every login would trigger a script which immediately bumped that remote counter, and no one – short of compromising our Wavefront cluster – would be able to tamper with that information.

I spoke to Wavefront about this feature, and it turned out they were already working on it. “Deltas” have landed in beta, and are coming to a release shortly. Here’s a summary of my experience with them so far.

How Do They Get There?

Deltas aren’t a class of metrics with their own functions in the way that histograms are. You can send a delta to any metric by prefixing the metric name with a .

That’s pretty simple, but you can always make things simpler, so the first thing I did was extend the Wavefront Ruby SDK’s Write class with a write_delta() method. Because deltas aren’t separate, it would be easy to forget you were writing to a counter, omit the and overwrite the stored value with a new one. I thought a separate method would make this less likely. It’s only a wrapper to the existing write(), which prefixes all the points it receives.

Next I added an option to the CLI which used the new SDK method. When you send one or more values with wf write point (or wf write file), and you set the -i option (as in “increment”) those metrics will be sent as deltas.

$ wf write point -n delta.test 1
No-op requested. Not opening connection to proxy.
Would send: delta.test 1.0 source=box
$ wf write point -n -i delta.test 1
No-op requested. Not opening connection to proxy.
Would send: ∆delta.test 1.0 source=box

The first time I tried it, it didn’t work. My proxy threw

[PostPushDataTimedTask:logBlockedPoints] [2878] blocked input:
[WF-300 Cannot parse: "?delta.test 2.0 source=box", reason: "Syntax
error at line 1, position 0: token recognition error at: '?'";

because the delta I got from my Unix compose key (Δ U0394 “Greek Capital Letter Delta”, Unicode fans) was not the same as the delta the developers got when they hit alt-j on a Mac (∆ U2206 “increment”). I changed mine to align with theirs, but I think both may work when the feature goes live.

How Do They Look?

With the CLI working, it was time to send some points and see what came out.

$ for i in $(seq 100)
> do
> wf write point -i dev.delta_1 1
> sleep 1
> done

There are a couple of things to note about this chart. First, the long tail continues after we stopped sending numbers. If it receives no data, a delta metric will report its last value each minute, for an hour. After an hour without being added to, it goes quiet. (Though the previous values, of course, are still there and always will be.)

Notice also that there’s a change in rate of the incrementing data, even though we sent uniformly spaced points. This is because Wavefront bundles up all the deltas it receives and generates an aggregate point every minute. This means that it’s not possible to accurately gauge the rate at which a delta increases. This is illustrated by the orange line, which is a calculated rate() of the blue series. So, no time information is preserved

Are counters global, or per-source? I tried sending that same incremental series from two hosts at (almost) the same time.

As you see, I got a series for each source, so if you want multiple sources to write to a single counter, you’ll have to fake it with a sum() function, which is the green line on my chart. (This, I think, is much better than all source contributing anonymously to a single counter, which is the behaviour I expected.)

You can, of course, see how many deltas your proxies are receiving and accepting. Here’s the proxy’s view of the previous examples. I added the events by hand afterwards.

Do deltas solve the issue of one login in the same second overwriting the first? Let’s give one a bit of hammer and find out.

Due to the overhead of starting Ruby, loading dependencies, validating input, opening a new socket and so-on, the CLI can’t send individual points at much in excess of one per second, so to be a bit more aggressive we’ll have to drop down a level. This little script uses the SDK to open a socket to a proxy and shovel a thousand identical points through it as fast as possible.

require 'wavefront-sdk/write'

wf = Wavefront::Write.new(proxy: 'shark-wf-test')

1000.times do
  wf.write_delta([{ path: 'dev.delta.splurge', value: 1 }])

Here’s the output.

Nice. all the thousand increments are bundled up together into a single step. So clearly we can throw deltas at a proxy as fast as any other kind of point. (The observant reader may notice the chart actually jumps from 1 to 1001. I sent a single increment through first so you could see the jump, and the line wouldn’t just start at 1000.)

At this point I was curious where in the chain the delta aggregation was happening. Based on nothing, my assumption was that it happened on the proxy. Of course, it was easy to find out.

A quick comparison of ~proxy.points.2878.received and ~proxy.points.2878.sent showed no difference: the proxy forwards delta metrics to the Wavefront service exactly as it does normal ones. This makes sense, but I had briefly hoped that sending huge amounts of deltas wouldn’t count much towards our aggregate point rate, as they’d be boiled down to almost nothing on the proxies. Never mind!

How Do I Break Them?

Having seen how it works, my ops pessimism kicked in, and I was curious to see how it breaks.

I wonder what happens if I sent a “real” value in the middle of some deltas?

$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5
> do
>   wf write point -i dev.delta_3 10
> sleep 20
> done

$ wf write point dev.delta_3 5

$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5
> do
>   sleep 20
>   wf write point -i dev.delta_3 10
> done

The value drops to one just sent, then recovers to where it should have been on the next aggregation cycle. This correcting behaviour happens even if you don’t send another delta metric. Note that even though the value “should have been” 50 when we sent the 5, it was actually only 40. This is because the 5 went straight through, whilst the deltas were being bundled and flushed every minute.

Though mixing deltas and absolute values is clearly not a very smart thing to do, Wavefront’s behaviour in the face of such abuse seems pretty robust and sensible to me.

Negatives? Negative.

My original use-case was incrementing a counter as part of a security view. Anything even vaguely security-related has to be watertight, and an obvious way around the proposed system is to log in and decrement the delta by one.

I tried sending -ve deltas to my proxy. (Remembering to quote the value, because docopt can’t really handle arguments with minus signs in them.)

$ wf write point-i dev.delta_3 "\-1"

The proxy didn’t complain, and the point was accepted, but the value didn’t change. This, for my problem at least, is good. Deltas are monotonically increasing. In the future the proxy will, it appears, reject delta metrics with negative values, but at the time of writing they are accepted, but ignored.

Aggregate Value?

Deltas are a very useful addition to Wavefront, and I can think of several areas where we will start using them as soon as they are made properly available.
