Terraforming SmartOS, from SmartOS
28 August 2017

My friend said:

I’ve been building my own tooling with Terraform and Ansible. I call it “Terrible”.

I loved that. For context, the team we worked in had been mired in pointless, circular bikeshedding about what tools we should use to deploy and configure our platforms. At one point we were standing up boxes with Fabric, raw Cloudformation, CFNDSL, shell scripts, a home-grown Boto wrapper (which, to my satisfaction, pre-empted some of the big features in Boto 3), and Footman, an in-house, supposedly cloud-agnostic tool whose lasting legacy seems to be the fact that a successful operation would be reported as error: undefined error. Configuration management was a little better, with warring limited to two main factions: the pre-existing Puppet, and the would-be usurpers who wanted Ansible on their CVs. (By that point we had managed to get rid of the inherited Chef repo which included – and used – Puppet. That was quite special.)

I’ve tried the back half of Chris’ portmanteau, and found configuration management with Ansible rather reminded me of the old joke about the gynaecologist who painted his hall through the letter-box. I found the logic-in-YAML config files more distasteful even than that. Watching the Footman project flounder and fail, I came to the conclusion:

Infrastructure as code. Yes. Infrastructure as config file. No.

This comes from using all the technologies listed above. If you want to put six web servers behind a load-balancer, a config file might just about describe it. Go much beyond that though, and you need to start putting variables into your config file, and references, and possibly ordering, and conditions, and templating. By that point, what you’ve got is effectively code, but expressed in a very forced and clumsy way. So I’d prefer someone to be straight up, and give us some kind of DSL, that looks and behaves like a real language. After all, aren’t we all supposed to be devs these days?

Our client eventually standardised on CFNDSL-generated Cloudformation, which is a mix of code and config-file, or a mix of bad and worse, depending on your opinions. Most of the rest of the world seems to like Terraform, and even though we work in an industry where decisions tend to be made more on “what is everyone else doing?” than “what is the right (or best) tool” I think it’s very important to properly try as many things as you can. By “try” I mean use in some real sense, rather than following through one elementary blog post. (Like this.)

My little pet projects, for the time being, use Puppet for their config-management. The infrastructure, which runs on SmartOS VMs in Joyent’s “Triton” cloud, was originally deployed by a couple of extremely simple shell scripts which wrap commands rather like this:

$ triton create \
  -n www-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-${RANDOM}") \
  -m "user-script=curl -k \
            https://us-east.manta.joyent.com/snltd/public/bootstrap-puppet.sh \
            | sh" \
  -m environment=production \
  -m role=sinatra \
  -t triton.cns.services=www \
  -t environment=production \
  2f538996 \

I’m hardly deploying Netflix here, but I thought it might be fun, and informative, to give Terraform a go at deploying my little system. The obvious, and well-trodden path would mean launching AWS services from a Mac, but that’s been done a million times and I’d learn next to nothing. I’m a (reluctant) contrarian, and I’m going to launch SmartOS instances, from a SmartOS instance.

Triton only provides compute, network, and storage services, so even a tiny exercise like this has some value: it still covers most of the things Triton can do. I won’t be doing any Manta (object storage) stuff here as the stack doesn’t do anything with it. (Though it fetches a pre-existing bootstrap script from there.)

This is SmartOS

Everyone, apparently, thinks all kernels are Linux, all clouds are Amazon’s, and all shells are bash. This can mean that running modern tooling on SmartOS is more “interesting” than you might expect.

Terraform, like anything with SRE pretensions, is written in Go, and I was pleasantly suprised to see that you can download a readymade Solaris executable. To date I’ve found that Go programs built on Solaris always work on SmartOS and vice-versa, so I grabbed it and closed the terminal with the $ cd $GOPATH in it.

Terraform has a core which manages its state engine and whatnot, but all the actual work is done by “providers” which are not built into the terraform binary. Most people probably never get beyond the AWS ones, but we’re going to need a Triton provider.

To get it, we have to create the config file that will eventually define our infrastructure. I made a terraform directory, opened up vi, and declared my providers and credentials thus:

provider "triton" {
  account = "snltd"
  key_id  = "e7:07:82:5d:f1:47:99:4d:6c:80:52:2d:f4:0f:ec:d5"
  url     = "https://eu-ams-1.api.joyentcloud.com"

I had to specify the eu-ams-1 datacentre as my API endpoint, because the provider defaults to US east, and, like Vincent Vega, I’ve spent the last three years in Amsterdam. Note that the key ID is supplied as a fingerprint. This means you need ssh-agent to be running, and for it to be aware of the key. This caught me out, because, for no particular reason, I don’t generally use ssh-agent. If you’re as backward as I am, you might have to do something like:

$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

I ran terraform init, and it went off to fetch everything I needed. Except it didn’t. I have to jump forwards a little here, for the sake of a more fluent article, and tell you that much of what comes later does not work with the (at the time of writing) default Triton provider.

The provider I got didn’t support metadata correctly, and had no idea what CNS even was. Fortunately, there’s a more up-to-date one, but unfortunately, as of now, it needs to be compiled by you. I knew I shouldn’t have closed that terminal.

I had Go 1.6.4 installed. That was too old. I tried 1.8 next, which was the current “supported” version. But that doesn’t compile on Solaris. I tried 1.9rc2, and that worked. Then I was able to build the better provider.

A very nice thing about Terraform is that you can use as many providers as you like. An obvious use for this would be to simultaneously launch stacks in, say AWS and Azure, but providers don’t have to be cloud platforms. The next provider I’m going to use is made by the very clever people at Space Ape, and it lets you configure Wavefront alerts and dashboards as part of your stack. They haven’t built SmartOS support in, which is a little sad given that I banged on about it constantly when I worked there, but it’s easy to build.

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers
$ cd $_
$ git clone git@github.com:terraform-providers/terraform-provider-triton
$ cd terraform-provider-triton
$ gmake build
$ go get github.com/spaceapegames/terraform-provider-wavefront
$ cd $GOPATH/src/$_
$ go build
$ cd ~/work/terraform
$ terraform init -plugin-dir=$GOPATH/bin

The final command tells Terraform where to look for its providers. Once it knows that, we’re ready to go.

This is Brilliant – So Easy!

With everything installed and working I was ready to write a configuration file describing my tiny little project: a couple of native SmartOS zones, a few simple firewall rules, and two or three Wavefront alerts.

Specifying a machine is, presumably to be more consistent with Terraform standard practice, slightly different to the way to you do it with the triton CLI.

The last two arguments to the triton command near the top of the page are the short UUID for the image and the package. “image” is like an Amazon AMI: the base OS. The, in my opinion, poorly named, “package” is the instance size. Terraform insists that you use the long UUID for the instance but the provider allows us to query the API for a specific semantic version, or simply ask for the most_recent. Great: that’s far better than hardcoding instance IDs (assuming we trust Joyent not to make breaking changes). So put

data "triton_image" "base" {
  name        = "minimal-64"
  most_recent = true

into the config file, and you can reference the value it fetches with the not too onerous

image = "${data.triton_image.base.id}"

Terraform also forces us to specify the package by name, rather than by UUID. This is also good: g4-highcpu-512M makes a lot more sense than 14aea8fc.

Metadata and tags are specified as hashes (maps, technically), so they don’t need any explanation other than to point out that you quote the values but not the keys. CNS requires that you use a hash where the values are arrays. Putting all of that together, here’s my instance specification for a box which runs Sinatra-based websites.

resource "triton_machine" "sinatra" {
  name             = "www-terraform"
  package          = "g4-highcpu-512M"
  image            = "${data.triton_image.base.id}"
  firewall_enabled = true
  user_script      = "curl -k \
                      https://us-east.manta.joyent.com/snltd/public/bootstrap-puppet.sh | sh"

  metadata {
    environment = "production"
    role        = "sinatra"

  tags {
    environment = "production"

  cns {
    services = ["www"]

You can put comments in Terraform configuration files, but surely there’s no need in any of that? Terraform config is written in Hashicorp Configuration Language. In my opinion “language” flatters it. It’s tarted up JSON with variables and references.

Creating Wavefront alerts was even simpler than making instances. I exported the alerts I needed with the Wavefront CLI, and massaged them into HCL.

$ wf alert list | grep JPC
1490980663852  CHECKING  JPC: no metrics
1497275466684  CHECKING  JPC Failed Services
1502624543569  CHECKING  JPC zone out of memory
$ wf alert describe -f yaml 1497275466684

YAML is close enough to HCL that a bit of quick seddage converts it. HCL accepts raw JSON (which the CLI can produce), but I wasn’t certain whether the provider would. In any event, I also had to delete most of the exported fields. Some can’t be used in a Wavefront API create operation (id) others aren’t yet supported by the provider (description). The “failed services” alert ended up like this:

resource "wavefront_alert" "failed_services" {
  minutes   = 2
  name      = "JPC Failed Services"
  target    = "target:T0in8AtVb56Zkzlz"
  condition = "ts(\"smf.svcs.maintenance\", env=production)"
  severity  = "SMOKE"
  tags      = [ "JPC" ]

You have to supply at least one tag. Omitting the field or using an empty array produced an error. I’m not sure if this is the fault of the provider or the API, but you should be tagging anyway, so just do it.

The target in that block is a pre-existing alert target which uses a webhook to write to a Slack channel. You can (and obviously should!) create alert targets with the provider. Just make a resource and define it with HCL.

We’re cooking now: stack, alerts, dashboards, everything. This is brillant, right? Zero effort!

Hang On, this is Harder than I Thought

When we defined the instance we set firewall_enabled = true. Triton doesn’t have IAM and security groups, which is good because it means you don’t have to deal with IAM and security groups. But it’s bad because there’s less power. (For a start, you don’t have instance roles, which are great.)

Instead, Triton has its cloud firewall. Cloud firewall rules are quite nice. They’re flexible, and they’re obvious to anyone with any kind of networking knowledge. I find them easier to work with than security groups as they express relationships rather than permissions. I find, oddly, I can work just fine with security groups so long as I don’t think about them too much. When I start thinking, I overthink, and convince myself they don’t work how I think they work. But I digress.

The Terraform SmartOS provider takes the lazy, but sensible shortcut of having you define your cloud firewall rules with native CloudAPI data, rather than providing, say, native from and to attributes in the way the Wavefront provider does. I originally made my firewall rules through the UI, but getting the raw CloudAPI data was easy. I’ve folded the last line to stop it overflowing the right margin.

$ triton fwrule list
5782f65b  true     -       FROM any TO tag "triton.cns.services" = "www" ALLOW tcp PORT 80
c073ee65  true     -       FROM ip TO all vms ALLOW tcp PORT 22
d407db1e  true     -       FROM all vms TO tag "triton.cns.services" = "wavefront" ALLOW tcp \
                           (PORT 2878 AND PORT 5044)

I’ve always wished AWS did something like this: create a resource in the console, and view the Cloudformation that would create it.

It wasn’t quite a copy-and-paste job to get the rules into Terraform, as it’s very finnicky about quoting. For instance, that first rule has to be phrased exactly thus:

resource "triton_firewall_rule" "http" {
  rule    = "FROM any TO tag \"triton.cns.services\" = \"www\" ALLOW tcp PORT 80"
  enabled = true

Get the case wrong anywhere, or don’t soft-quote the www, and every time you run Terraform it will think it needs to make a change.

This is where I started to feel the difference between Terraform and Cloudformation. There’s a significant sense of what I might call disconnect with Terraform. Action at a distance. Though I have many beefs with Cloudformation, it has a sense of integration, consistency and solidity which I don’t get with Terraform. Everything Terraform does is a mesh of public-internet API calls and string parsing, and it feels like it. Abstraction upon abstraction upon abstraction. Its approach to rollback – pretty much “pick the bones out of that” – and its way of maintaining state feel crude. But how else could it be? When I think about tools like Terraform or, God forbid, Footman, I feel a sense of hopeless, endless API-chasing. Endless 1:1 mapping. Endless issues and pull requests and slippages and regressions. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be done, or that it isn’t worth doing, or that nothing useful can be produced, but it’s not a job I’d want.

Still, this is better than using the shell scripts. Or, even if it isn’t, it’s at least more “Google SRE Book”. And apparently that’s what matters now.

Oh. That.

Notice the final firewall rule above, which allows metrics and logs through to a Wavefront proxy. The proxy host also gets a triton_machine definition much like the one we saw before. But, it needs a secret: the token which the proxy uses to connect to the Wavefront server. Yep. We’re distributing secrets. I’m using Puppet, so I could use something like hiera-eyaml-gpg, but I would prefer the token to be made available to the host as metadata. On SmartOS, Puppet automatically exposes all metadata pairs as facts.

Being a by-the-book SRE, I want to keep my Terraform configuration in Github, but obviously I don’t want my secrets there. I don’t need something as heavy-duty as Vault, so I put the following into my spec.

variable "wf_token" {}
resource "triton_machine" "wavefront-proxy" {
  metadata {
    environment = "production"
    role        = "wavefront-proxy"
    wf_token    = "${var.wf_token}"

You have to define the variable before you use it, which is not unreasonable, but I somehow missed the fact when I read the documentation, and it took me ages to work it out.

In a file called sysdef.auto.tfvars (my main spec file is called sysdef.tf) I define the variable,

wf_token = "---REDACTED---"

and Terraform will automatically include that file, parse it, and use the value to put my token in the instance metadata. This is good enough for me. Yes, if someone gets root on the box, they can read the metadata, but they can also read the config file, or the process memory, with the token in. Nothing’s perfect, especially when it comes to secrets.

So long as sysdef.auto.tfvars is kept safe, and not committed to Git, our secrets stay secret. Right? Everything else is version-controlled and we’re golden.

Well, no. Because there’s one so far unmentioned problem Terraform has to deal with. Developers of a particularly modern sensibility might wish to retreat to a safe space, because I’m about to drop a trigger word.


No one likes state these days. They don’t like it because it’s messy, and it’s hard to do with their beloved immutable containers. And because they don’t want to deal with things that are messy and hard, they dream up reasons why the hard thing shouldn’t exist and why you shouldn’t ask them to do it. But state is unavoidable in anything non-trivial, and Terraform is capable of some seriously non-trivial lifting, so it needs to store state.

Terraform compiles your desired configuration into one description, which it compares with a second description of what is already there. Then it diffs the two and works out how to get from A to B. That second description is your terraform.tfstate file; a honking great pile of JSON which a provider can turn into API calls and make the magic happen.

terraform.tfstate therefore has to be kept safe. If it’s lost, Terraform won’t know what your infrastructure looks like, so it won’t be able to calculate the differences it needs to make. And because it’s calculated state, it contains the secrets. In plaintext.

Terraform has a bunch of backends which at least promise to take away the misery of storing state. Different backends will suit different needs, and my needs couldn’t be simpler. I’m the only person working on a tiny stack. ZFS gives me a versioned filesystems, and my workspace is automatically backed up to Manta. Losing the state file, frankly, doesn’t much matter to me. But if you were a team of a dozen people, making regular changes to a complex infrastructure, you’d need something far more sophisticated.

I can’t get away from the thought that this model gives too much scope for disaster: that is, for losing, corrupting, or getting conflicts in the state file so it no longer reflects reality. This isn’t a worry I’ve ever had with Cloudformation. (So long as people aren’t tweaking things in the console after you’ve done a deploy, but that applies equally to Terraform and everything else. You can’t be protected from that level of recklessness.)

Nothing’s Ever Simple is It?

The files I’d made by now were fine for standing up the stack in a single-shot. But I regularly destroy and recreate instances, and I couldn’t see a way to do a rolling relaunch. (I miss ASGs when I work with Triton.)

Being a small, clearly defined stack, blue-green deployments seemed perfect. If I stood up a second stack alongside the first, my CNS tags would automatically pull the new boxes into service, and I could destroy the old stack at my leisure.

So I made green/, blue/ subdirectories for each stack. Into a third common/ directory I moved everything that was the same across stacks, and symlinked it into the stack directories. I put the stack colour a variable (in colour.auto.tfvars) and added a stack-specific name to the instance resources:

name = "www-${var.colour}"



Imagine the blue stack is up. When I applied the green stack, it only created instances – no firewall rules. Then when I destroyed blue, the network rules disappeared.

Look again at the firewall resources. They have no name, id, or anything else which can make them unique. They are identified purely by their properties. So when it built green Terraform created, and overwrote, the rules that were already there. When blue was destroyed, it included the network rules, so they were deleted, and everything broke. I tried putting the stack colour in the description field, but it seems Terraform ignores that when calculating differences.

My solution was to have a base stack which contains all the non-identifiable network rules. This goes up first, and the application stacks sit alongside, or on top of it, depending on your point of view. This works well enough

Something’s Been Bothering Me

I don’t like this local storage thing. It’s asking for trouble. And what if this website suddenly takes off to the point that I have to hire a team of crack SREs to keep it running? I should use a proper backend. We should all use a proper backend.

If you looked at the list of Terraform backends above, you’d have seen there’s one for Manta. We don’t need to compile it. We don’t even need to init it. it’s built into the core terraform binary.

The base stack is easy: I just added this:

terraform {
  backend "manta" {
    path       = "terraform"
    objectName = "sysdef.base.tfstate"

and made the remote directory I defined in it.

$ mmkdir ~~/stor/terraform

For obvious reasons, the backend assumes your path is under ~~/stor, which is your private storage area. Therefore, you’re going to need credentials In addition to the usual creds needed for the mmkdir command to work, I also had to declare MANTA_KEY_MATERIAL in my shell. Its value is the path to the SSH key I use to access Manta. It seems the backend can’t pick the key up via ssh-agent like the triton provider can.

Running terraform plan told me there was no remote state, and asked if I wanted to take the local copy and upload it. I did. Sweet.

I said the base was the simplest stack. If you recall, the blue and green stacks use the same configuration, one being a symlink. All stack-specifics are put in through the ${var.colour} variable. So the obvious thing to do is pop this into sysdef.tf

terraform {
  backend "manta" {
    path       = "terraform"
    objectName = "sysdef.${var.colour}.tfstate"

Obivious, right? And like most obvious things, it doesn’t work.

$ terraform plan
Failed to load backend: Error loading backend config: 1 error(s)

* terraform.backend: configuration cannot contain interpolations
The backend configuration is loaded by Terraform extremely early, before
the core of Terraform can be initialized. This is necessary because the
backend dictates the behavior of that core. The core is what handles
interpolation processing. Because of this, interpolations cannot be
used in backend configuration.

If you'd like to parameterize backend configuration, we recommend
using partial configuration with the "-backend-config" flag to
"terraform init".

Wow. Whoever writes the error messages for Puppet needs to have a word with whoever writes them for Terraform, because that is great. I looked up -backend-config (single-dash long options are wrong btw), and it was plain all I had to do was delete the objectName property from the backend definition, then re-initialize the stack directories.

$ pwd
$ terraform init -plugin-dir=$GOPATH/bin \
Initializing the backend...
Do you want to copy state from "local" to "manta"?
$ cd ../blue
$ terraform init -plugin-dir=$GOPATH/bin \
Initializing the backend...

That creates, in both directories, a .terraform/terraform.tfstate file, which contains the full backend configuration. There’s no need to reference it explicitly. Check the remote:

$ mls -l ~~/stor/terraform/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd          2867 Feb 25 13:28 sysdef.base.tfstate
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd         13630 Feb 25 13:42 sysdef.blue.tfstate
-rwxr-xr-x 1 snltd           317 Feb 25 13:42 sysdef.green.tfstate

remove the local state files, and rest easy.


My considered professional opinion on Terraform puts it somewhere near the top corner of Gartner’s “err, yeah, it’s okay, and some things are really nice but it also feels a bit hacky and I’m not that sure how much I trust it” quadrant.

Truth is, much as I frequently find myself hating it, Cloudformation is miles ahead of anything else in the infrastructure-as-config-file world. For the massive sprawl of AWS – and assuming all my stuff was in AWS – I wouldn’t use anything else.

Triton is not like AWS. It has very few services, and very few resource types, to the point that a single, small, Terraform provider covers them all. This makes infrastructure definition far simpler, and I’d like to see a dedicated Clouformation-style infrastructure building service in Triton. Perhaps it could be Terraform, the state stored by Joyent, with a tighter coupling to what’s really there, rather than what Terraform’s state file says is there.

I’ve been running my “triple-stack” approach for a few months now, and it works just fine. Because my stacks are so tiny, it doesn’t save me any work, and clearly it’s grossly over-engineered. But, it’s given me some learning, and that’s never a bad thing.
