Writing a Wavefront Reporter for Puppet
12 August 2017

I’ve always found coding against Puppet to be somewhat clunky.

Puppet reporters go in the lib/puppet/reports/ directory, and their name is important.

Let’s call ours wavefront.rb. That means we have to use wavefront as the argument to the method which lets us register a report.

require 'puppet'

Puppet::Reports.register_report(:wavefront) do
  def process

The whole reporter has to live inside that block, and the only thing it needs is that process() method. What you see above is pretty much the simplest Puppet reporter you can write. The metrics variable is populated for us, and it’s a hash with the following keys, all of which are Puppet::Util::Metric objects, and all of which must be accessed with a String index. No indifferent access here.

There are other useful variables exposed for us, but as we’re writing to a system that only deals with metrics, few of them are of interest to us.

Talking to Wavefront will be much easier if we use the Wavefront SDK. Here, you might run into a problem. If you do all your configuration with Puppet, including installing the SDK, then when the catalog is compiled, it won’t be installed, and the reporter won’t work. Then you’ll miss out on first-run reports. Therefore it might be necessary to bake the SDK into your OS image, or have it installed as part of your bootstrap process.

Are We Wanted?

We may not always want to run a report. For instance, if you’re developing in Vagrant. Let’s have a method which checks for the presence of /etc/puppet/report/wavefront/disable_report. We could then bake that file into our Vagrant box, or have Puppet drop it according to the value of the virtual fact.

require 'pathname'
SKIP_FILE = Pathname.new('/etc/puppet/report/wavefront/disable_report')

I do everything filesystem-related with Pathname. It’s so much nicer and grown-up than File.

Then at the top of process(),

return if SKIP_FILE.exist?

Who Ran Us?

In the past I’ve found it useful to know what triggered a Puppet run. That is, was it a normal run, triggered by cron? Was it a bootstrap run? Was it run manually? Let’s write a method to tell us. We want to walk up the process tree, finding the thing underneath init: that’s almost certainly what we want. Sounds like we need a recursive function. Now I’m not much of a programmer, and I don’t trust things like that, so I’m going to keep track of the depth of the recursion, and raise an exception if it goes too deep.

def launched_from(pid, depth = 0)
  raise 'UnknownAncestor' if depth > 8
  cmd, ppid = ps_cmd(pid)
  return cmd if ppid.to_i == INIT_PID
  launched_from(ppid, depth + 1)

Notice the call to ps_cmd(). This lets our reporter work on different operating systems with different ps(1) commands. There are Ruby modules that handle ps-type stuff, but I’m not sure we can trust them where we’re going. Here’s ps_cmd().

def ps_cmd(pid)
  case RbConfig::CONFIG['arch']
  when /solaris|bsd/
    `ps -o comm,ppid -p #{pid}`
  when /linux/
    `ps -o cmd,ppid #{pid}`
    raise 'UnknownOS'

Whether on Solaris, BSD, or Linux, it returns the command name and parent PID for the given process.

Return to launched_from(), and you might well wonder why we check that the parent PID is equal to INIT_PID. Surely, you may suppose, the PID of init is always 1. It is. Except when it isn’t. In a Solaris or SmartOS zone, it definitely isn’t. Okay, you say, then let’s just walk to the top of the tree and stop there. Can’t. In a zone, init isn’t even the top dog.

$ uname -s
$ zonename
$ pgrep -fl init
 7258 /sbin/init
$ ptree 7258 | sed '/7258/q'
7194  zsched
  7258  /sbin/init

In a zone, zsched is the boss, and as there’s no PID namespacing in Solaris, you’ve no idea what its, PID will be. So we need another method to work out the top PID. We just run that once, at the start of the report, and put its value in a constant, called INIT_PID. For completeness:

def init_pid
  case RbConfig::CONFIG['arch']
  when /solaris/
    `ps -p 1 -o comm` =~ /init/ ? 1 : pgrep -f zsched`.strip.to_i`
  when /linux|bsd/
    raise 'UnknownArch'

As it stands, launched_from() will give us a command name, likely with a full path. That might be fine, but I preferred to run its output through another method which produces something more relevant:

def launcher
  prog = launched_from(Process.pid)

  case prog
  when %r{/sshd$}
  when 'sshd:', '/usr/bin/python'

What Tags do We Need?

We’re going to let the user pick what tags they want through a Hiera value called wf_report_tags. This must be an array.

I’ve had trouble accessing Hiera from a reporter.

I expected that Puppet would expose the caclulated Hiera state for the reporter to access, but I couldn’t find it. Moving on, I expected Puppet to expose the options with which it was invoked, from which I could retrieve the path to hiera.yaml. But everything related to internal state seems to be a private interface.

So, I ended up deciding to scan through likely directories until I found what I wanted. Not very proper I know.

require 'hiera'
require 'facter'

HIERA = Hiera.new(config: lambda {
          %w(/etc/puppetlabs/puppet /etc/puppet /opt/puppet).each do |d|
            p = Pathname.new(d) + 'hiera.yaml'
            return p.to_s if p.exist?
          end }.call)

SCOPE = { '::environment' => Facter[:environment].value) }
TAGS  = HIERA.lookup('wf_report_tags', %w(run_by status), SCOPE)

The to_s in the lambda is necessary because Hiera constructor can’t deal with pathnames if they’re Pathnames. They must be Strings.

With the Hiera config loaded, we can do a lookup. To do this we must provide sufficient “scope” for Hiera to home in on the value we want. I assume that simply knowing the envionment will be enough to do that. It is in my world. If it is not in yours, and you have to be more specific, then you must modify the SCOPE. The second argument in the lookup call is a default value which will be returned if said lookup fails.

Where is Wavefront?

Assuming (there’s that word again) that the user has a Hiera variable called wavefront_proxy we can recycle all the work we did getting the tags, and just do

PROXY = HIERA.lookup('wavefront_proxy', 'wavefront', SCOPE)

Now we can use the SDK to make a connection to Wavefront.

@wf = Wavefront::Write.new(proxy: PROXY, tags: setup_tags)

By passing our tags in to the constructor, the SDK will ensure all points written using the @wf handle will be tagged the same.

Do it!

The Wavefront::Write class expects to receive an array of points, where each point is a hash having keys path, value. You can also specify a source, timestamp, and tags. We don’t need to tag: that was taken care of when we instantiated the class; we don’t need to specify a source: the local hostname will be used by default; but we want all points to get the same timestamp, so we will specify that.

Knowing the format of the metrics object it becomes pretty simple to convert all those metrics to points.

def metrics_as_points
  ts = Time.now.to_i

  metrics.each_with_object([]) do |(category, cat_values), aggr|
    cat_values.values.each do |v|
      aggr.<< ({ path: [category, v[0]].join('.'), value: v[2], ts: ts })

For example, the cron value in the time category because time.cron. Now we can send that lot to Wavefront. Our process() method is as simple as:

```ruby def process Wavefront::Write.new({ proxy: ENDPOINT, port: 2878 }, tags: setup_tags).write(metrics_as_points) update_run_number end ``

And that’s a reporter.
