Wavefront and Solaris 02: Collecting Metrics, or Adventures in Kstats
19 April 2016

So, I have a Wavefront proxy running on Solaris: now I want to get metrics into it.

Not Collectd

For a long time, collectd has been the standard way of collecting telemetry and pushing to an endpoint, usually Graphite. Wavefront can intepret the Graphite wire format, so that should the be path of least resistance.

Oracle do not provide us with a conveniently installable Collectd package. But given the dependency chains which can result from various plugins, this may not be a bad thing. (If you want a giggle about how someone somewhere thinks Unix systems ought to be built, have a look at the dependency chain for the Ubuntu collectd package.)

Collectd 5.5 builds easily enough on Solaris though, and I soon had it up and running, sending data to my Wavefront proxy in Graphite format. You’ll get all the basics: CPU, memory usage, disk consumption and throughput, network packets sent and recieved. It works perfectly well.

Collectd feels, I think, a bit old, clunky, and arcane. It has real problems reconnecting when its endpoint goes away. And, it doesn’t have stellar Solaris support. Some of the collectors simply refuse to work, others, like CPU, send limited, whilst the old du/df disk-space plugin haemorrages crap when it sees a box with a couple of hundred ZFS datasets.


With this in mind, and fancying learning something new, I decided to have a go with Diamond. This is a more modern approach to the same problem. It’s written in Python, and it’s very modular, so it ought to be easy to extend. But, it’s not without problems.

Problem 1: Installing Diamond

Installing Diamond on Solaris is easy:

# pip install diamond

Except it isn’t if you don’t have a C compiler. Diamond requires psutil (even though it doesn’t actually work properly: more later) and the psutil module needs to compile itself. That’s fine for a dev box, but even in the age of the 2Gb base install, I am not putting GCC or Forte (God, I’m old) on machines just to install a single Python module

Problem 2: Nothing Works

Trying out the standard collectors didn’t go too well. In short:

Well, I’m up slack alley with that lot aren’t I? And there’s nothing for ZFS, or zones, or SMF, or FMA, or pretty much anything that I might conceivably want to alert on.

Problem 3: Virtualization

One of the great things about zones is that a non-global-zone (NGZ), is fully visible from the global. This gives you a different way to perform many housekeeping jobs. Why run dozens, or hundreds of identical jobs in all the zones on a box when you could run the same job once from the global?

As you think more deeply about telemetry on a zoned system, you find yourself dividing metrics down into particular scopes.

For instance, all zones see the same physical disks, so monitoring disk I/O across a hundred zones gives you a hundred copies of the same metric. But counting failed services needs to be done per-zone. You can’t run an NFS server from an NGZ, but you can see the kstats for one running in the global.

Things get more complicated in a multi-tenant system: what metrics do your users care about? Will global things visible from their NGZ confuse them?

If you’re running the system, you can see how much of their allocated disk space your clients are using, but why do you care – it’s no skin off your nose if they fill their quota. How about VNIC throughput? That might be relevant to you and your tenants.. As so often we find that the technological problem of recording this stuff is a small part of the whole.

Enough Problems!

I know a little bit of Python, and I know a bit about Solaris internals and the user interfaces to them. Get writing!

Solution 1: Installing Diamond – use tar(1)

To get round Python dependencies, need for a C compiler etc, I took the “Omnibus” approach that I use to deploy Puppet.

That is, I compiled Python 2.7 from source, installed it in /opt/diamond, then installed the PIP in there. I packaged up that directory (actually I tarred it: that’s still a package, ask Slackware) and now I can drop it into any box or zone, however minimal. This also has the nice side-effect of meaning that changes to the system Python can’t break your Diamond install.

If I were doing this on SmartOS I’d make a proper pkgin package: it’s not a lot more effort than a tarfile. IPS, though, is way too much of a PITA.

Solution 2: Nothing Works – use kstat(3kstat)

Solaris does have a /proc filesystem, but it is quite a pure interface, only exposing process information, rather than Linux’s “chuck anything in there, in any format, possibly even binary, and oh, you can write to some of it” approach.

Instead, we have kstats. Kstats are kernel counters, exposed to userland by /dev/kstat, which appears in any kind of zone. Solaris ships with C and Perl libraries which provide simple access to kstats, and bindings exist for a number of other languages. Fortunately for me, someone already made a Python binding, and someone else made it better.

Kstats are good and bad. First, the good. They are quick to access. They are very accurate: values are given with a high-resolution timestamp. They give you deep introspection – look:

$ kstat | wc -l

That’s a lot of information for one host. I wouldn’t want the bill for chucking a datacentre full of those into Wavefront every second.

The bad, now. kstats aren’t documented. This is because they are not considered a stable interface. They can change. They can go away, be renamed. and new ones can appear. (It’s actually not hard to add your own.)

This lack of documentation also makes it difficult to work out what a lot of them are. Off the top of my head I couldn’t tell you the exact meaning of sdpib:0:sdpstat:sdpOutUrg, and finding out might mean a trip deep into the source. (Not the Solaris source, obviously. Up yours, Oracle.)

The final difficulty with kstats is that, in statsd speak, some are counters, and some are gauges. For instance, the number of pages in the free list is a gauge: it goes up and down.

$ while true; do; kstat -p unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree; sleep 1; done
unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree   234875
unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree   235084
unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree   234786
unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree   234924
unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree   234905

Whilst the bytes written to a disk is a counter which only ever goes up:

$ while true; do; kstat -p cmdk:2:cmdk2:writes; sleep 1; done
cmdk:2:cmdk2:writes     1488501
cmdk:2:cmdk2:writes     1488509
cmdk:2:cmdk2:writes     1488518
cmdk:2:cmdk2:writes     1488526

Others, like cpu_info:0:cpu_info0:chip_id are constants, and things like cmdkerror:0:cmdk0,error:Model are constant strings. All of this is fine, and makes good sense, but it’s not possible to programatically tell which kstat is of which datatype, and sometimes difficult to work it out from man pages and source code.

I also, at the time of writing, am ambivalent about the correct way to deal with the counter kstats. When you get a group of kstats, that group includes snaptime, which is a high-resolution timestamp telling you exactly when the kstats had the values you see. If you have Diamond remember the last value of snaptime, it’s therefore trivial to calculate and send deltas rather than absolute values. Because, that’s what we want, right? Hmmm, weeeeelll, it could be.

Take traffic through a NIC. My immediate reaction is to think rate is what matters. But, if I want to see which VNIC has used the most traffic, or get an absolute value for usage over a 24h period, I have to do some work summing all those little deltas. (Though the Wavefront CLI, particularly with its human formatter, makes this relatively simple, especially if you know a little bit of awk. And if you don’t know a little bit of awk, learn a little bit of awk.)

If I send the counter, these tasks become trivial, and displaying the rate on a graph is as simple as wrapping the timeseries in Wavefront’s deriv() function. Or, maybe I’ll decide that looking at the steepness of the unmodified counter line gives me a better sense of how all my NICs are doing. I think the raw value gives you flexibility, which is good. But, hasn’t Collectd set the precedent? Don’t people expect to get rates? It’s hard to decide what’s right.

Using the kstat snaptime lets you calculate very, very accurate rates, but does that really matter? Most people are used to using Graphite, with 15-second intervals, and everything most likely rounded to an integer. And, snaptime might not be what you think it is. Are you thinking it’s the clock time? Seconds since the epoch? I bet you are, but you’re wrong. It’s the time elapsed since a point marked by its friend crtime. This is also a high-resolution timestamp, and is time the kstat was created. Relative to… errr…. yes.

The source shows us that crtime is set to the value of gethrtime(), and the gethrtime man page says that:

Time is expressed as nanoseconds since some arbitrary time in the past; it is not correlated in any way to the time of day

so, good luck converting your kstat snaptimes to anything meaningful.

It’s not ideal for our particular application, but I can see why things were done this way. Calulating a rate since crtime gives you a (probably pointless) “since boot” type summary, like the first line of vmstat output. Clearly kstats and their snaptimes were implemented with things like vmstat and mpstat in mind: accurate “live” deltas, not pinned to a fixed point in time. But feeding data into a telemetry system mandates that you fix it to timestamps. We’re at odds, aren’t we?

New Shiny! Point Tags

I particularly like Wavefront’s ability to apply any number of key=value tags to a point. This lets you build up multi-dimensional data. Tags are fully integrated in the query language, so you can use them for all manner of selection and filtering. They’re also handy markers, giving clues that might be useful in further investigation.

At my current client’s site, we have a Puppet reporter which, at the end of each run, pumps all the statistics for that run (times, change and error counts etc.) into Wavefront. It tags all these points with the release of the Puppet code, so if we see, say, a spike in run time, or something starts making flappy changes, it’s easy to know which Puppet release caused the problem. We can also easily find any machines which aren’t on the same release but should be.

Starting simple, one of the first Solaris collectors I wrote was to monitor disk errors. A lot of people don’t like Solaris’s SYSV c0t0d0s0 way of identifying disks, but kstats don’t even do that: they use the kernel module to derive the disk names, and call them things like cmdk0 (IDE or SATA, obviously), or the somewhat more logical sd1 for SCSI or SAS. These names are not particularly meaningful, and I wanted a better way of knowing which disk was on the blink when my disk_health alerts fired.

In among the cmdkerr or sderr kstat bundle is the serial number of the disk. “Wouldn’t it be nice”, I thought (knowing full well most tech disasters begin with just those words), to tag the points so you can more easily idenfity the errant disk? Which brings us to:

Problem 4: Diamond does not Understand Point Tags

Up to this point, I was using the OpenTSDB handler (output plugin) for Diamond. OpenTSDB does have a concept of tags, but they’re different to point tags, so it was time to…

Solution 4: Write a Wavefront Handler

Wavefront’s wire format is, of course, clearly documented, and very close to OpenTSDB’s, so I began with the code for the OpenTSDB handler, and soon ended up with a working Wavefront equivalent. There’s not a lot to it: with all of these things you only ever end up poking a simple string into a socket.

Next there were some pretty minor changes to the Diamond metrics code to give us an extra argument for defining point tags. Diamond’s code is simple, and well structured, so making changes isn’t hard at all.

Now, I was able to return to my collector, pull each drive’s serial number out of the kstats, and apply it to every error point for the relevant disk. This makes it far easier to identify the exact disk which is reporting errors. I also tag (when I can: not all devices expose the same information) by vendor and model, because in large-scale deployments it might be interesting to see whose devices show the highest error rates. Or maybe the highest throughput. Or anything else you can think of.

Now, when you hover over a point on a disk error chart, you see:

point tags

It may not be the most useful thing in the world, but I hope that is reasonably illustrative of point tags. I think they are a powerful feature of Wavefront, and I expect to get a lot of value from them in the future. At the moment, it’s a little hard to know how best to get data tagged, and I hope the code I’ve written is a step along the road.

My Diamond extensions allow you to tag per-point, in the collector code, or en-masse, tagging everything from a single collector, or even everything from the whole of Diamond.

I’d like to go even further, and be able to apply point tags en-masse in the proxy, perhaps using regexes, but that’s one for Wavefront.

At the time of writing, all of this work is sitting in a PR in Diamond’s repository. I don’t know when, or if, it will be merged into master, but if you wish to use it now, you can clone from my branch, and if you can make it better, piggy-back off my PR.

Postscript: There is no Solution 3

The observant reader (yeah, right) may have noticed that I posed four problems but only three solutions; the outstanding being “from where to collect what” on a heavily virtualized system.

I’m still mulling it over. Still changing my mind, and still experimenting with different approaches.

Most of the new collectors I have written so far are for a full-machine overview: that is, they are intended to run in the global zone. Others adapt their behaviour depending on their view of the system. This seems to be working pretty well, but the requirements for a multi-tenant system are different. As always with open source software, I’m scratching my own itch, and that itch is mostly a server where all the zones are mine.

I do have a couple of instances in the Joyent Public Cloud, for which I’ve written a collector solely for use in a SmartOS zone. That collector is to help keep check on how close you are sailing to the limits of the instance. It is instrumenting the site you are looking at now.

Solaris’s introspection goes very deep: it’s always been a very observable platform, and it’s a lot of fun feeding all those numbers into Wavefront. I’ve always been interested in system interals, and it’s quite exciting to be able to properly visualize things like latency, saturation, paging, batching of writes and anything else that I can think of. I like to stick a bunch of different metrics on a single chart, wrap them all with the normalize() function, and see how work is distributed throughout the system: see the network throughput spike, then the CPUs start processing data, and handing the results to disk; and I can watch how the SSD ZFS cache device interacts with, and behaves differently to the spinning disk where the data ends up.

It’s informative and fun to generate more and more load on the box and watch how things fail. Or, rather, how things behave differently in order not to fail. That, I think, would make for a good article in the future.

Next time, though, I’m going to have a crack at wiring DTrace up to Wavefront. If you think there are too many kstats to choose from, wait until you see what DTrace offers.
