Building Ruby 2.3 for Solaris 11.3
26 January 2016

A while ago I did a little write-up on building a nice, dependency free, modern Ruby on SmartOS. I even ended up writing a script to do it automatically.

I use Puppet to manage my Solaris zones, and I thought it was high time to get upgraded to Ruby 2.x and Puppet 4, which is what I use on SmartOS. So, I tried to build Ruby 2.2.3 in exactly the same was as I build it on SmartOS. Well, almost the same way. I am so old fashioned that I still try to build stuff with Sun CC. I’ve lost some of the appetite to fight things, but old habits die hard.

$ CC=cc CFLAGS=-fast ./configure --prefix=/opt/ruby --disable-install-doc --enable-dtrace
$ gmake -j4
gmake[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/ruby-2.3.0/ext/openssl'
compiling ossl_ssl.c
ossl_ssl.c:107:27: error: 'SSLv2_method' undeclared here (not in a function)
ossl_ssl.c:89:69: note: in definition of macro 'OSSL_SSL_METHOD_ENTRY'
 #define OSSL_SSL_METHOD_ENTRY(name) { #name, (SSL_METHOD *(*)(void))name##_method }
ossl_ssl.c:108:27: error: 'SSLv2_server_method' undeclared here (not in a function)
ossl_ssl.c:89:69: note: in definition of macro 'OSSL_SSL_METHOD_ENTRY'
 #define OSSL_SSL_METHOD_ENTRY(name) { #name, (SSL_METHOD *(*)(void))name##_method }
ossl_ssl.c:109:27: error: 'SSLv2_client_method' undeclared here (not in a function)
ossl_ssl.c:89:69: note: in definition of macro 'OSSL_SSL_METHOD_ENTRY'
 #define OSSL_SSL_METHOD_ENTRY(name) { #name, (SSL_METHOD *(*)(void))name##_method }

Well. That kinda sucks. SSLv2? That’s gone the way of Solaris^W the dinosaurs hasn’t it?

$ ggrep -r SSLv2_method /usr/include
/usr/include/openssl/ssl.h:DEPRECATED const SSL_METHOD *SSLv2_method(void); /* SSLv2 */

interesting. Let’s see what SmartOS thinks:

$ ggrep -r SSLv2_method /opt/local/include
/opt/local/include/openssl/ssl.h:const SSL_METHOD *SSLv2_method(void); /* SSLv2 */

So, it looks like SmartOS is happy to give me crappy SSLv2 functionality that I shouldn’t be trusted with, but Solaris 11.3 is not. Wow. Mark one up for Oracle.

But, I’m still in a fix. I can’t build Ruby, even with potentially iffy SSL support. Looking at the code, the #ifdef wrapping the offending line suggests an easy, legitimate, fix.

#if defined(HAVE_SSLV2_METHOD) && defined(HAVE_SSLV2_SERVER_METHOD) && \

It looks to me as if, rather than simply DEPRECATE-ing the SSLv2 methods, we should pretend we don’t have them at all. There’s stuff further down for SSLv3, which we do have. So, let’s drop


in at the top of the file and give it another go.

$ gsed -i '13i#undef HAVE_SSLV2_METHOD' ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c
$ gmake -j4
linking ruby
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ruby-2.3.0'
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ruby-2.3.0'
$ gmake test
PASS all 1010 tests

All looks good. Let’s try it out.

# gmake install
$ /opt/ruby/bin/irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'openssl'
=> true

Looks good so far. I know gem uses SSL stuff. So:

# /opt/ruby/bin/gem install puppet ruby-shadow

Note that I didn’t bother with --no-rdoc etc. (And I don’t want any docs: this is purely for an Omnibus style Puppet package.) because:

$ cat ~/.gemrc
install: --no-rdoc --no-ri
update:  --no-rdoc --no-ri

I distribute this to all my zones by lofs mounting /opt/ruby read-only everywhere. Then, when I want to push a new version, I can do it from the global in one shot.
