Migrating LDOM Boot Disks Across SANs
25 May 2012

As part of a SAN migration, I had to move an LDOM’s boot disk from one SAN to another. These notes begin from a point where the new LUNs are presented to the box and properly multipathed. The old LUN is 36Gb, and pretty full, so I’ve been given 145Gb for the new one, and I want to use all of it.

In this example the domain is called mydom.

Looking at the existing boot disk from inside the domain I see:

# iostat -En
c0d0             Soft Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0 Protocol Errors: 0
Vendor: SUN Product: VDSK Size: 39.02GB <39018823680 bytes>

There’s no reference to the SAN or those long multipathed target names because the disk is abstracted by the primary domain via the virtual disk server. What we need to do is add the new LUN to the VDS so it’s visible in the domain. Then, from the domain we can attach the new disk to the old one as a mirror, let them sync, and remove the original mirror.

So, in the global, map the LUN’s device to a virtual disk. Remember (I often forget) that you need the path to the full disk device, including the /dev/dsk, and the s2.

# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c5t600601600DC02D0048F57258A29EE111d0s2 mydom-newboot@primary-vds

Then map the disk to the VDS

# ldm add-vdisk mydom-newboot mydom-newboot@primary-vds mydom

And tell the domain that’s the new boot disk

# ldm set-variable boot-device=mydom-newboot mydom

Connect to the domain, and the disk should show up in format, without you even needing to do a devfsadm.

Because this is a root pool you have to attach slice 0 of an SMI labelled disk. If you have an EFI label, use format -e to change it, and make a slice 0 at least as large as the one you’re attaching to.

As I said earlier, my new device is bigger than my old one, and I want to use the new space. So I set

# zpool set autoexpand=on rpool

and attach my new LUN.

# zpool attach rpool c0d0s0 c0d1s0

Wait for the resilver to complete and check the size:

# zpool get size rpool
rpool  size      36.2G  -

Then detach the original half of the mirror and see if anything’s changed

# zpool detach rpool c0d0s0
# zpool get size rpool
rpool  size      145G   -

And, if you have the luxury of being able to do so, reboot-test it. You can never be too careful!

Back in the primary we have to clear up the references to the original boot device. You can see the disk in ldm ls-bindings and the device in ldm ls-services.

# ldm ls-bindings mydom | grep boot
   mydom-newboot mydom-newboot@primary-vds      disk@1  primary
# ldm rm-vdisk mydom-boot mydom
# ldm ls-services | grep boot
    primary-vds primary mydom-boot /dev/dsk/c5t60060480000290101683533030344142d0s2
# ldm rm-vdsdev mydom-boot@primary-vds

And we’re done. Making the box forget the LUNs is an exercise for another day, and exactly how you do it depends on the drivers and multipathing software you use.
