Setting Up A Simple iSCSI Target in Solaris 11
31 January 2012

So many things have changed in the FCS of Solaris 11. Some needed changing because they’ve been the same way for twenty years and they got too creaky and/or complicated, but others seem to have changed for the sake of change. Filesystem sharing and exporting is the main issue, because other than share and the dfstab, it was all new in Solaris 10 (I’m thinking of the way the sharesmb property worked), some of it new in Solaris Nevada (sharemgr). We were just getting familiar with that stuff, and it’s all changed again. As I found when I tried to share an iSCSI LUN in the way you always have on Solaris.

# zfs set shareiscsi=on space/iscsi cannot set property for ‘space/iscsi’: invalid property ‘shareiscsi’

It seems the commands we need now are sbdadm and stmfadm. Wow, how many *adm commands do Oracle think we need?

$ uname -r
$ ls /usr/sbin/*adm  | wc -l
$ uname -r
$ ls /usr/sbin/*adm | wc -l

That’s a lot of new commands to learn, especially given how complex some of them are. Still, I suppose it’s all for the best. Move with the times eh? If you don’t have them, these two are in the scsi-target-mode-framework package.

Let’s make a volume to export.

# zfs create -V 10g space/iscsi/vol01

I used the -V flag so I’d get a raw device file in /dev/zvol/rdsk. That’s because, just like creating VDISKs for an LDOM, you want Solaris to treat an area of disk as if it were a physical block device.

sbdadm is for managing SCSI block disks within something called the SCSI Target Mode Framework (STMF). This, like most things in Solaris 11, has its own service.

$ svcs "*stmf*"
STATE          STIME    FMRI
disabled       Jan_29   svc:/system/stmf:default

Hmm. Looks like we’d better enable that.

# svcadm enable stmf

I honestly don’t know what that does. It doesn’t start any new processes, so I guess it’s flipped a switch somewhere in the kernel. The SMF start/exec program is a binary, so I can’t even look at that. I could dtrace I suppose, but I don’t know what I’m looking for, and we’re getting well off-topic already.

Now we know such a thing as the STMF exists, we surmise that we want to add a logical unit to it, using that raw device file I just talked about.

# sbdadm create-lu /dev/zvol/rdsk/space/iscsi/vol01

There’s a -s option to the create-lu subcommand that lets you specify the size of the logical unit to create (if you don’t use it, sbdadm uses all of the “disk” is is given.) It goes from kilobytes to exabytes: rather a frightening thought for those of us old enough to still think of an Exabyte as an 8mm tape.

So now you’ve got a proper logical unit with a bona-fide GUID, and it’s in the STMF. Now we need to make it into an iSCSI target. Unsurprisinly, STMF has its own adm program, called stmfadm, with a ton of sub-commands.

It seems that the sbdadm command largely a subset of stmfadm. You could also have added the lu with

# stmfadm create-lu /dev/zvol/rdsk/space/iscsi/vol01
Logical unit created: 600144F04348CF0000004F281B1C0002

getting the same results. Anyway, next we need to make the LUN visible. This is done through “views”. You can make a LUN visible to one, many, or all, hosts. The simplest way is to let everything see it:

# stmfadm add-view 600144f04348cf0000004f281b1c0002
# stmfadm list-view -l 600144f04348cf0000004f281b1c0002
View Entry: 0
    Host group   : All
    Target group : All
    LUN          : 0

But that’s only the LUN we’ve taken care of. We don’t yet have an iSCSI target. We used to use the sensibly-monikered iscsitadm for this, but that’s gone, so now we use itadm. This is an altogether more capable, more grown-up command that handles various authentication types and portal groups. First job is to enable the iSCSI target service.

# svcadm enable iscsi/target

Then you can make the machine an iSCSI target. I’m not using any authentication.

# itadm create-target
successfully created

Job done. Setting up an initiator hasn’t changed since Solaris 10.
