SSH as root on Solaris 11
05 December 2011

I needed to quickly enable SSH as root to rsync a load of data. Yes, I know there are far better ways to do it, and I know that enabling SSH for root is a bad idea, and lazy, and normally I’d agree, but I needed to do it. Anyway, it’s on a private lab network.

So, I opened /etc/ssh/sshd_config and changed PermitRootLogin to yes. I refreshed the SSH service, and tried to run a remote command as root, and it wouldn’t let me.

The sshd_config man page told me I had to comment the CONSOLE line out of /etc/default/login, just like yout had to do for telnet in the old days. So I did that, and still no dice.

I cranked up the sshd logging, and saw that:

Dec  6 17:24:40 hp-bk-01 sshd[1260]: [ID 800047 local0.debug] debug1: PAM
conv function returns PAM_SUCCESS
Dec  6 17:24:40 hp-bk-01 sshd[1260]: [ID 800047]
Keyboard-interactive (PAM) userauth failed[7] while authorizing:
Permission denied
Dec  6 17:24:40 hp-bk-01 sshd[1260]: [ID 800047] Failed
keyboard-interactive for root from port 43885 ssh2
Dec  6 17:24:40 hp-bk-01 sshd[1260]: [ID 800047 local0.debug] debug1:
userauth-request for user root service ssh-connection method
Dec  6 17:24:40 hp-bk-01 sshd[1260]: [ID 800047 local0.debug] debug1:
attempt 2 initial attempt 1 failures 1 initial failures 1

Ah, PAM. Right. This is where it starts to get murky for me. Remember that for some time now Sun have been trying to turn us all off root, making it a role and all that crap. You need to tell PAM that root is still a user by sticking the following in /etc/pam.conf.

sshd-kbdint account required

UPDATE: I had a devil of a job with one box only accepting interactive logins. It looks like things have changed in Solaris 11.1, so to use authorized_keys and whatnot, you’ll also have to have

sshd-pubkey   account   required

in /etc/pam.conf too.

Then, in combination with the other stuff, you can run SSH commands as root. So now you know how to do it, don’t do it.
