ZFS Encrypted Workspace
20 April 2011

I often work from home, and I’ve always been concerned that if my computer were stolen, it would have my clients’ data on it.

With my move to Solaris Express, I now have access to encrypted ZFS filesystems, so I thought I’d use them to provide a bit more data security.

In my experiments with ZFS, I’d found that scrubbing a zpool with encrypted filesystem showed errors. I scrub my filesystems regularly, and I don’t want these “false” errors on my important data pool. Also, I’m completely new to ZFS crypto, so I created a dedicated pool, called crypto as a safe area in which to experiment, then keep, my encrypted filesystems.

# zpool create -f crypto mirror c9d0s1 c10d0s1
# zfs set mountpoint=none crypto
# zfs set compression=on crypto

Encrypted Workspace - Always Mounted

I decided to have two “levels” of security. The first is a temporary workspace area, that’s always mounted under work/ in my home directory. It’s mounted automatically at boot time, so if anyone got hold of my machine, booted it up, and managed to log in, they’d be able to see its contents. But, as the data will never be stored in the clear, once it’s removed, it can’t be recovered.

First I had to generate a key.

$ pktool genkey keystore=file outkey=/etc/incomkey.file keytype=aes keylen=256
# chown root:root /etc/incomkey.file
# chmod 0400 /etc/incomkey.file

Then I could create the filesystem, encrypting it with the key I just made

# zfs create -o encryption=aes-256-ccm -o \
  keysource=raw,file:///etc/incomkey.file crypto/work/scratch

I set the mountpoint for the global zone, and used zonecfg to loopback mount it in my workstation zone. Easy. It would be a nice idea to put the key on a USB stick so the filesystem could only be mounted by whoever had that stick, but I don’t need that in this instance.

Encrypted Directory - Mounted on Request

Next I wanted to create a filesystem that was harder to get to. This one is for more sensitive data, and can only be mounted by entering a passphrase. Pick a nice long one that you’ll be able to remember. I find long strings of normal words far easier to remember than 13375p34k type things, and they have much higher entropy.

# zfs create -o encryption=aes-256-ccm -o keysource=passphrase,prompt crypto/sensitive

You’ll have to mount this filesystem manually whenever you want to use it. I have a couple of them, and I usually do

# zfs mount -a

to mount all of them at once, then enter the passphrases.
