Solaris 11 Automated Installs
18 November 2010

DISCLAIMER - I wrote this article based on a preview release of Solaris 11. (Solaris Express, specifically). AI, and a lot of other things, changed in the FCS release, so I’m not entirely certain that what follows can be completely trusted. The bit about setting a static IP address is definitely wrong.

Solaris 11 is, in its first official form, with us. However much we might hate IPS, bloat, GNOME, bash as root’s shell, and all the other Linux-isms, we’ve got to accept that this is the future of Solaris (assuming Solaris has a future) and embrace it.

I’ll miss Jumpstart. I liked Jumpstart. I was good at Jumpstart. So, from a Jumpstart perspective, what’s the new automated installer all about? Hopefully it’s a great deal better than the interactive installer, which lets you choose the timezone, the root password, and nothing else. Don’t want the whole O/S in a single zpool covering the whole available disk? Want a static IP address? Tough. But to get back on topic, what follows is me thinking out loud and learning about AI and IPS. Hope it makes sense.

Jumpstart, for SPARC at least, was very straightforward. Send a RARP request, get your IP address, TFTP your kernel across, NFS mount root, create local filesystems under /a, install packages, run finish scripts, reboot. Job done. AI relies on DHCP, which, compared to RARP and bootparams, is a can of worms (at least if you’re using the Solaris DHCP server). It also doesn’t just install packages from the install server, rather, it must connect to an IPS repository. If you’re a serious admin and you’re going to be doing a lot of installs, you’ll probably want to set up an in-house repository. If not, you can use Oracle’s.

Setting Up an Install Server

Though it was possible to Jumpstart any Solaris from any other Solaris (you could even set up an install server on Linux or BSD, if you were exceptionally perverse), AI requires a Solaris Express server. So, install one of those using the LiveCD or the text installer.

The Repository Server and the Install Image

It you remember your Jumpstart, you’ll recall setup_install_server, which copied all the SUNW packages from the CD or DVD onto disk, and also installed a mini-root which install clients used to boot.

AI uses a repository server for its packages, and they’re passed to the client by an HTTP server. You can build your own if you like (it isn’t hard, and I’d recommend you do it), or you can use Oracle’s own.

The Jumpstart Solaris_x/Tools/Boot mini-root is replaced by AI’s install image. They’re pretty much the same thing, a skeleton filesystem clients can use to get up and running before they create and populate their own filesystems.

As Jumpstart had setup_install_server, add_install_client and so-on, so AI has installadm, which should already be installed on your Solaris Express install server. Check with

$ pkg list install/installadm

If it’s not there, grab it from Oracle’s repository with

# pkg install install/installadm

I’m going to create install images in a moment, but I need somewhere to put them. There’s a lot of data going in, and much of it, especially if you start adding later images without removing old ones, will be duplicated. So,

# zfs create rpool/ai
# zfs set mountpoint=/export/ai rpool/ai
# zfs set compression=on rpool/ai
# zfs set dedup=on rpool/ai

If you don’t have an absolute tonne of memory, don’t dedupe. It’s a performance killer.

Get the AI boot image ISO files you need from Oracle’s download site, and we’ll look at creating the install images, each of which is part of its own install service.

Install Services

The install service is to AI what RARP, bootparams, TFTP and NFS were to Jumpstart. That is, the mechanism by which a client is able to boot up to a point where it can install software.

installadm is closely tied in with DNS. It won’t even run if the multicast service isn’t up.

# svcadm enable svc:/network/dns/multicast

So I’m going to create an install service from an install ISO held on tap, my main NFS server. This is a combination of an install image, which is created from the ISO file and contains just enough for a remote boot (a boot archive, and /dev and /platform files). A service can also include DHCP information if you’re having your install server also be your DHCP server. I am, because my network doesn’t already have DHCP. I’m going to have a pool of ten addresses from to, and I choose to call my service and my images date-architecture, following the convention set by the names of the downloaded files.

# installadm create-service \
  -n 201011-sparc \
  -c 10 \
  -i \
  -s /net/tap/export/iso/solaris-express/sol-11-exp-201011-ai-sparc.iso \

Setting up the target image at /export/ai/201011-sparc/target ...
Registering the service 201011-sparc._OSInstall._tcp.local
Creating DHCP Server
Created DHCP configuration file.
Created dhcptab.
Added "Locale" macro to dhcptab.
Added server macro to dhcptab - lw-01-sx.
DHCP server started.
Added network macro to dhcptab -
Created network table.
Service discovery fallback mechanism set up
Creating SPARC configuration file

I also added an x86 install image, simply changing sparc to x86 in the above command.

You’ll now find you’ve gained a service:

online         15:54:09 svc:/system/install/server:default

Let’s investigate it.

$ svcs -p svc:/system/install/server:default
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         15:54:09 svc:/system/install/server:default
               15:54:02     3409 webserver
               15:54:09     3429 httpd
               15:54:10     3430 httpd
               15:54:10     3431 httpd
               15:54:10     3432 httpd
               15:54:10     3433 httpd
               15:54:10     3434 httpd

Looking at those processes with pfiles tells us the Apache webserver is listening on port 5555 and writing logs to /var/ai/image-server/logs. If you connect to that port, you’ll find it’s exporting the directory structure of your install image directory. In this case we can navigate everything below /export/ai.

We can look at the DHCP magic that installadm did in the background by running

# dhtadm -P

I’ve always found using Solaris as a DHCP server complicated and troublesome, so it’s great that Sun have taken the hassle out of it by having installadm create the macros.

installadm can show us what install images we can serve up to clients.

$ installadm list
Service Name Status       Arch  Port  Image Path
------------ ------       ----  ----  ----------
201011-sparc on           Sparc 46501 /export/ai/201011-sparc/target
201011-x86   on           x86   46502 /export/ai/201011-x86/target

If you use a browser to connect to the ports given in the fourth field (these are being served by a Python program), you’ll see a Default manifest. This is located in the auto_install subdirectory of the Image Path, and it’s kind of like a profile in Jumpstart. So, you have an install service for each O/S you want to be able to install, each one running its own webserver on its own port. You can delete, stop, and start services through installadm as required. (Though you have to clean DHCP table up yourself.)

Installing a Client

We’ve done no customization (and practically no work) yet, but we’re already in a position where we can install a client.

Generic x86 Install

I’m going to try an install, with a VirtualBox. The MAC address of the empty VBox is 08:00:27:e7:d0:54. Setting up a vanilla install, using the default manifest we just looked at requires a single invocation of installadm create-client. We only have to identify the client by its MAC address and give the name of the install service we wish to use

# installadm create-client -e 08:00:27:e7:d0:54 -n 201011-x86

That’s a lot simpler than the old add_install_client kerfuffle isn’t it? (And quicker.) This writes a DHCP macro, and puts a PXE boot loader, a GRUB menu, and a Solaris miniroot into the install server’s /tftpboot directory.

I started my VirtualBox, hit F12 to get the boot menu, then hit l to boot off the LAN. It got a DHCP address straight away, and gave me a menu with the option of booting from the net or doing a network install. I chose the latter. It’s a little confusing now, because you are presented with a console login, with all the installation work going on in the background. If you log in as jack/jack, you can follow the installation by doing:

$ tail -f /tmp/install_log

The default installation, on my test system, took about 15 minutes to pull all the required packages down from Oracle’s repository server, then a further minute or two to configure the system to boot.

It took me a minute or two to reboot the client, because the jack user no longer has the Primary Administrator role, so

$ pfexec reboot

doesn’t work. (It did in OpenSolaris.) Turns out I had to su to root (I’m such a luddite), using solaris as the password.

Generic SPARC Install

Next I’ll try installing Express on a v245. AI requires an OBP version with WANboot functionality, which the v245 has. The command is the same as before, just using the SPARC install service.

# installadm create-client -e 0:14:4f:c3:88:5e -n 201011-sparc

Then on the v245 console,

ok boot net:dhcp - install

The first time I tried this, the install failed. Examining /tmp/install_log I found

<OM Apr  8 15:29:05> Ignoring c3t0d0 because of bad Geometry
<OM Apr  8 15:29:05> Ignoring c3t1d0 because of bad Geometry
<OM Apr  8 15:29:05> Ignoring c3t2d0 because of bad Geometry
<OM Apr  8 15:29:05> Ignoring c3t3d0 because of bad Geometry
<AI Apr  8 15:29:07> No disks found on the target system

This was because all my disks had EFI labels. To clear them I did

# format -e

chose label, and put an SMI label on the disk. I cleared the service, and it failed again, saying it couldn’t create the swap space. This was because I’d accepted the default SMI layout, which has a pretty small slice 0, so I repartitioned the c3t0d0 with all the space in slice 0 and cleared the service again.

# svcadm clear svc:/application/auto-installer:default

And away we went. It’s nice to not have to completely restart the install.

By the way, do you know that if a Jumpstart fails because of an error in the profile, you can change the profile and re-run suninstall?

Customizing Installs

Unfortunately, the default install is as useless as the text install. (I think they’re the same thing.) For AI to be of any practical value, we need to customise the way it installs.

In Jumpstart, this was done with a combination of the sysidcfg file, which identified the system’s network interfaces, time zone, language and so-on, and the profile, which laid out disks and mirrors, selected the install cluster, and added and removed packages.

Install Manifests

The main difference between Jumpstart files and AI files is that, as with many things modern in Solaris, AI manifests are XML. Different people have different views on XML. I think it sucks ass in pretty much every situation.

As you’d expect, this is where things start to get complicated. We have to more-or-less define the configuration of a Solaris host with an XML file.

In my Jumpstart setup I always have an /export/js/clients directory, with each install client having its own directory containing its sysidcfg profile and finish script list. I’ll repeat that with my AI setup.

# mkdir -p /export/ai/clients

The SC Manifest

First we’ll look at the System Configuration, or SC manifest. This is pretty much your sysidcfg equivalent, because here you define the primary IP NIC (you can’t define any others), the terminal type, and DNS info.

It can be embedded, as a complete XML file, inside the main AI manifest (more of which in a moment), or in its own file which the AI manifest must reference. I prefer to have it as a separate file, and I create mine from the example provided in Solaris.


For the keyboard types, I think /usr/share/lib/keytables/type_6/kbd_layouts contains a canonical list of names. Mine is UK-English. I got my timezone name (GB) from /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo.

A nice improvement over Jumpstart is that you can create default users in your SC manifest. (In fact, you have to, as Solaris Express won’t let you log on as root by default.) It was never really a problem with Jumpstart – it was trivial to write a finish script that added users – but it always seemed wrong that you had to.

By the way, if you do want to be able to log in as root (and, let’s be honest, who doesn’t?), set the root_account property group’s type propval to normal.

I saved my amended manifest as /export/ai/clients/lw-01-sx-02/sc_manifest.xml. (lw-01 is the name of my laptop, (l for laptop, w for Windows, sx-02 denotes my second Solaris eXpress virtualbox.)

If you aren’t using IPV6 (and my guess is that you aren’t) then I recommend you completely delete the install_ipv6_interface property group. If you leave it all unset, you’ll get an SMF error once the client is installed.

AI Manifest

Now on to the biggie, the AI manifest. This is the equivalent of the Jumpstart profile.

Oracle’s official documentation tells us to create manifests by hacking the default. (This gets worse and worse, doesn’t it?) There’s a default manifest for each install service, so I have two to choose from:


Let’s go.

# cp /export/ai/201011-x86/target/auto_install/default.xml \

The first thing to learn about are the “group packages”, or “metaclusters”. These are analagous to Jumpstart’s install clusters (remember SUNWCreq, SUNWCuser and friends?).

The group packages define lists of IPS packages which will be installed from your repository server (which, by default, is Oracle’s repository server).

Now, this is important, and, IMHO, this is weird. You can’t uninstall a single package without first uninstalling its parent group package definition. Group packages can contain other group packages, so to omit a package you don’t want, you’re probably going to have to install at least one group package definition. Got that? Me neither.

First, change the ai_instance_name from default. I’m not sure if it matters what you change it to, but the client hostname works for me.

I don’t want a GNOME desktop, and all that other junk, and as I only speak English, I don’t much care about languages. So, I don’t want the babel_install cluster. I want server_install.

In the default manifest you’ll see, commented out, an sc_embedded_manifest tag. We’ve already done our SC manifest in a separate file, we just need to tell the AI manifest to refer to it.

So add, near the end of the file, just before you close off the ai_instance element, insert

<sc_manifest_file name="AI" URL="./sc_manifest.xml"/>

I like my clients to reboot after install. By default, AI doesn’t do this, you have to add


to the ai_instance_name tag. I’ve found this doesn’t always work on VirtualBoxes, but at least it tries, and you’re no worse off than it just sitting there waiting for a biscuit.

Because I like to keep my data separate from my operating system, my machines tend to have two zpools, rpool, and space. This is partly a hangover from the old days of slicing up disks, but primarily so that if, somehow, the O/S gets utterly hosed, I can reinstall it from scratch, preserving the data on the slices holding the space zpool.

I happen to know that my VitualBox is assigning the its virtual disk as c7t0d0, so I can request that disk be carved up like so.

      <disk_name name="c7t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
      <slice name="0" is_root="true" force="true">
      <size val="25gb"/>
      <slice name="3" force="true"/>

You can also specify disks by volume IDs, device IDs, but you don’t yet seem able to set up mirrors or more complicated zpool arrangements. It also seems possible only to create a single zpool, which must be the root pool. So, in my example above, I put a 25Gb root pool in slice 0, then, by omitting a size specification, put the rest of the disk space in slice 3. (I created my space zpool by hand later.) The force keyword means that if the slice already exists, the installer will re-create it rather than failing. This is helpful if you’re learning AI by reinstalling the same client over and over.

AI will automatically assign swap space, but I chose to define a 6Gb space in the following manner.

      <zvol action="create" name="swap">
      <size val="6gb"/>

I checked my two manifests with xmllint, and they both looked good. I’m not sure yet if there’s a better way to validate manifests, something like svccfg validate would be great. If you have errors though, you’ll be shown them when you try to add the manifest.

Install Criteria

When you Jumpstart clients, the client finds out what profile to use by consulting the rules.ok table. In AI, install criteria map clients to manifests.

You can’t use a custom AI manifest without adding it to an install service and specifying criteria which clients must meet before they can use it. This is done with the add-manifest sub-command of installadm.

Install criteria aren’t (currently) as flexible as Jumpstart rules, and they’re far more complicated to create. At the time of writing you can only match a client on its architecture, MAC address, IP address, amount of memory, CPU type (i386 or SPARC) or platform type.

It’s possible to create an XML manifest which lays down install criteria, but for my purposes so far, that’s seemed like overkill. You do, however, have to have install criteria if you want to use custom AI manifests, so I supplied mine with the -c flag, which is kind of a “one-shot” solution.

# installadm add-manifest -m /export/ai/clients/lw-01-sx-02/ai_manifest.xml \
  -n 201011-x86 -c cpu=i386

Note: if you choose to match on IP address, be aware that the IP address that is matched is the IP address assigned by DHCP, not the one assigned by the SC manifest.

Then I could finally add the install client and network boot.

# installadm create-client -e 08:00:27:e7:d0:54 -n 201011-x86

Overall, I’d say AI isn’t quite ready for showtime yet. I strongly dislike having to write XML, and hopefully someone will write tools so we don’t have to. (I’ll do it myself if no one else does.) There are sever limitations on configure NICs and Zpools which I find unacceptable, but I’m sure they’ll be addressed soon.

AI’s not bad, but I still think think I’m going to miss Jumpstart.
